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Leadership Net

March 2024

Inspiring creative ways for lay and rostered leaders to carry God's love into the world

Please share this newsletter with congregational council members and key lay leaders of your congregation. The meditation can be used in small groups or as an individual

Dreams, Dream Believers and DreamWeavers

Ministries stagnate or end, churches do the same.  Discouragement is ever present during these times because we want others to know God’s peace.

During disheartening times, it is important to lean into our faith, trusting that God will provide new leaders, new money, and new workers to change our dreams into reality.

As I lean into my faith, I do see new ripples expanding in our churches today, leading us on a new journey.  On-line education has expanded our ministries beyond the small confines of our churches and communities, encouraging creative learning and wider connection to others and ideas. 

Rostered leaders are no longer isolated in their work. Lay Leaders are inspired to participate and lead in ways they never expected. Emerging Leaders engaged with local and national individuals, work in ways they never envisioned in the past.  

The leadership and learning opportunities are endless. In this newsletter, I will lift up two journey paths: one local and one national.

Whether you are the dreamer, dream believer or dream weaver, I hope you will use these opportunities to discern your calling to shout God’s word of hope and love to the world.

Within our Synod

Damascus: Lifelong Learning

You all know the story of Saul who became Paul.  On the road to Damascus his way of thinking, being, and doing was transformed.

The Southwestern Texas Synod invites you to join others in our synod on a similar transformative road of Damascus: Lifelong Learning. 

Whether you are:

  1. Discerning a call to rostered ministry,
  2. Interested in earning a certificate for Lay Ministry to be invited to serve as a SAM (Synod Authorized Minister), or
  3. Yearning to grow in your lifelong journey of faith and leadership, Damascus: Lifelong Learning may be for you regardless of your age, level of expertise, or learning style.

The outcomes are based on the competencies of leaders aligned with the ELCA, which include Theology and the Bible, Theory, Cultural Context, Ministerial Leadership, and Personal/interpersonal leadership skills. 

The courses, led by seminary professors or experts in the field can be taken individually, at any time, and/or with a cohort group from around the country or the synod.

If this piques your interest, continue reading and choose one of three tracks that best meet your learning goals: Curious to Learn, Continuing Education, and Lay Ministry Certification.

Track 1 - Curious to Learn

Luther Seminary worked with leaders in our synod to develop 3 courses:

·    Exploring Your Gifts and Talents

·    Missio Dei: The Church Sent

·     A Lay Leaders Guide to Planning Worship Experiences 

These courses and many courses offered under the Faith+Lead track are available for individuals or church groups (i.e. council, study groups, or synod groups) to grow in faith, improve leadership skills in your congregation, or explore a call you may be discerning. 

Courses may be taken at any time and others supplement your learning as you journey with a cohort group.

Faith+Lead is not the only resource for curious learners, other resources have learning courses, see the Continuing Education track.

Track 2 - Continuing Education

The SWTS has partnered with Luther Seminary's Faith+Lead and has access to other leadership course catalogs. (Select Learning, Convergence, Congregation U, Church Next, Leaderwise, Lewis Center For Church Leadership) This track may be better suited for:

  • Rostered/Lay leaders seeking continuing education

Track 3 - Lay Ministry Certification

There are two opportunities to receive a certificate and be eligible to be invited to serve as a Synod Authorized Minister if approved.

A certificate is granted for the completion of each of these.


Is there a cost? Yes, there is a cost, but prices vary from $15 to $350 per course (maybe more), making it accessible for all learners! If you need financial assistance, apply for the Tiemann Leadership Grant. Or you can sign up to be a Member with Faith+Lead and receive the courses from them free, check it out here.

Beyond the Synod

Leadership Education at Duke Divinity

Outside the Synod, Duke Divinity School offers grants and leadership programs for emerging leaders designed to spark theological and practical imagination, empower participants to identify new and more Christ-like ways of approaching their core work and attract the attention of leaders and partners. 

Interested? Check out  Reflective Leadership Grants - Leadership Education at Duke Divinity.

Past grant recipients have received money to:

  • Discern best practices for ministry in rural churches,
  • Seek ways to create space for alternative voices
  • Develop new leadership for a church that has moved from surviving to thriving
  • Craft a theology and spirituality of jazz to match a growing ecumenical experience of faith formation
  • Expand ministry with formerly incarcerated people

Ministry does not stop at the church walls. As you discern high quality missions or services, the money will follow and people will continue to support God’s vision and ministry.

Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' Soon

Ready to get started in Damascus: Lifelong Learning? 

We are offering two opportunities for a FREE pilot course with cohort groups that begin April 1 through May.

  • Crash Course: Bible will be offered with Deacon Darcy Mittelstaedt as the cohort facilitator. (Participants will meet weekly for 6 weeks)
  • Embodying Thoughts and Prayers: Providing Spiritual Care and Comfort will be offered with Amy Buechler Steubing and Rebecca Guengerich as cohort facilitators. (Participants will alternate between one week completing the assignments and one week in community with the cohort group for four weeks.)

We are also offering a FREE individualized online class without a Cohort group:

For more information visit www.swtsynod.org/learning Spend some time browsing the site and listening to the video.

Deacon Darcy Mittelstaedt or Rebecca Guengerich would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to joining you on the Road to Damascus.

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