October 27, 2022

Leadership News

Seeking At-Large Members for Discernment Committee

As part of the exploration Bishop Kevin and Bishop Audrey Scanlan (Diocese of Central Pennsylvania) are considering about a potential reunification of our dioceses, we are seeking applicants for At-Large members of a joint Discernment Committee as defined by the recent diocesan convention resolution. This work is to be conducted during 2023 and begins with a mandatory-attendance retreat of representatives from each diocese. If you are interested in serving as one of our At-Large members, please read, consider, and submit the application before November 21, 2022.


Bishop Kevin on Nativity Cathedral Call

Dear Beloved of Bethlehem,

The movement and leading of the Spirit continue to be alive in the

Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem.

I am delighted in the Cathedral Church of the Nativity’s call of the Rev. Jonathan Stratton as their next Dean and Rector. I am impressed with Rev. Stratton’s commitment to justice, liturgy and Latinx ministries, as well as his desire to join in the creation of the Beloved Community at the Cathedral and within the surrounding community. His ministry in the Diocese of Missouri speaks of his love for Jesus and his inclusion of all. I look forward to celebrating with the Cathedral Church of the Nativity as we welcome and install our new Dean. Welcome to Bethlehem!

The Rt. Rev. Kevin D. Nichols

Bishop of Bethlehem

Joyful Sounds of Celebration at Trinity Easton

On Monday, October 24, 2022, Bishop Kevin installed the Diocesan Canons and celebrated the new ministry of the Rev. Canon Barbara Harrison Seward. The worship-filled evening was full of joy, laughter, and song. A fellowship of desserts and conversation soon followed. The speaker for the evening was the Rev. Canon Anita Braden from the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona. The event served as the perfect opener for the annual clergy gathering in Bethlehem.

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The Rev. Bryce Wandrey

The Rev. Bryce Wandrey was called as Rector of Christ Church, Reading. Rev. Bryce previously served as Canon Missioner at Grace Church Cathedral, Charleston, SC. He and his family and two daughters are looking forward to moving to Reading in the new year and beginning his ministry with the faithful people of Christ Church. 

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Ordination Announcement

By the Grace of God and with the people consenting

The Rt. Reverend Kevin D. Nichols

Bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem

will ordain

Betsy Welliver Sentigar

to the Sacred Order of Priests

in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

on Saturday, November 19, 2022

at 11:00 o’clock in the morning

at Christ Church, Towanda

1 Main St, Towanda, PA 18848

Your prayers and presence are requested.

Clergy: White stoles

Medical Trust Annual Enrollment:

October 26-November 16

Attention Medical Trust Participants:

The Diocese of Bethlehem's online Annual Enrollment for 2023 will run from October 29 - November 16, 2022.

Read important details about our 2023 health benefits offerings and Annual Enrollment process in the letter below. Please share this information with all eligible employees. 

Read the Insurance Letter and the Plan Comparison Chart

Lay License Applications Due Advent

Certain Lay ministries must be licensed according to the Canons of the Episcopal Church. These Licenses are requested and renewed at the beginning of Advent. Licenses must be applied for by the clergy person in charge of the congregation in which the applicant serves, or the Senior Warden if the congregation is not served by a clergyperson. 

The application form should be completed and returned to the Diocesan office. Requests for lay licenses for Eucharistic Ministers, Eucharistic Visitors, and Worship Leaders must be renewed every three years. Renewals for those who will be practicing their ministry in 2023 must be submitted to Paula Lapinski at [email protected] or mailed to the diocesan office at:

Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem

333 Wyandotte Street

Bethlehem, PA 18015

Download the Lay Licensing Instructions and the Application (Word) (PDF).

National Association of Episcopal Schools

Closing the Achievement Gap, One Beautiful Student at a Time

Grace Montessori School is proud to report that during the 2021-2022 academic year, we awarded over $135,000 in financial support to aid more than 29 families. These funds were made available by NAES and other foundations and organizations that support educational initiatives designed to help low-income children, such as our Closing the Achievement Gap Program. The scholarships awarded impact more than 30% of our student body, and we are thrilled to make a difference in so many lives.

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2023 COLA Grants

The recent Diocesan Convention passed a resolution recommending parishes provide a cost-of-living increase of 8.5%. Annual cost-of-living increases are tied to the March Consumer Price Index as stipulated by a resolution passed at the 2016 Diocesan Convention. In anticipation of the impact on parish budgets across the diocese, Diocesan Council included $100,000 for grants to parishes that opt-in to this program.

More information and the application for the 2023 COLA Grants is now available on the diocesan website: click here. Applications must be received before December 1, 2022. Questions about completing the application should be directed to Canon Steve Baker: email Steve.

Audit Help For Parishes

Did you know that your parish can access accounting and financial management assistance from the Audit Team? This team of subject matter experts, located across the diocese, can provide your parish with audit and financial reviews to help a Vestry fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities. The Audit Team is planning to facilitate informational sessions this fall for you to learn more about the team’s services and how to engage them on behalf of your parish. Additionally, the team is seeking qualified volunteers to serve in this rewarding ministry. To learn more, click here

COVID-19 Parish Protocol Recommendations

FORMA 2023 | Called to Covenant

The Annual Conference is an opportunity for Forma to encourage and develop Christian educators, inside and outside the Episcopal tradition, to grow in how they educate and minister. This year, our theme is "Called to Covenant." Our four plenaries will be focusing on how we are called, through Micah 6:8, to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God."

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COVID-19 Parish Protocol Recommendations

Recommendations and protocols for gathering can be found on the diocesan website (https://diobeth.org/covid19). The recommendations are based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC)COVID-19 Community Level.” Our current recommendations for gathering can be found on this page: click here.

Upcoming Events

November 10...........Advent Clergy Day - Register

November 19.........Ordination

May 20, 2023.......Gather 23 - Split Rock Resort - The Rev. Dr. Tricia Lyons: Keynote

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