October and November 2021 Sessions
Faith Formation in a
Post-Pandemic World
A Webinar Program for Designing Faith
for 2021 and Beyond
Each webinar below is 90 minutes in length with a presentation, group interaction, and application activities; and conducted on Zoom.
The program includes resources created to accompany each webinar and assist churches in designing faith formation—all provided on the LifelongFaith.com website. Videos from each presentation will also be available after the presentation to share with your leaders and teams in the church.
Building Community and Relationships in the Post-Pandemic World
Thursday, October 7, 2021
@ 2 pm EDT/ 1 pm CDT
The "Building Community and Relationships" webinar inspires and equips leaders in engaging children, youth, adults, and families as they return from a time of hybrid or at home learning.
So many things have happened since the pandemic began and each of us and our ministries are forever changed. We will address those changes, discover what was successful and help create a path forward to welcome, offer hospitality, build relationships and create community.
We will identify the scriptural and communal foundations of hospitality, assess current efforts and look for new opportunities as we reimagine our ministries and serve those in the faith community.
The webinar will offer tools and resources to assess, innovate and design simple, effective and practical ways to create a community of welcome, hospitality and engagement that brings together everyone in the community. If we get this right, all our ministry efforts will be more successful and impactful from the start!
Jane Angha MTS is the founder of Ministry Blueprints, a company dedicated to hospitality, welcome, and engagement training for faith communities. Jane served as a Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry in Catholic parishes for over 20 years, worked as Project Coordinator for Young Neighbors in Action with the Center for Ministry Development, and as a Diocesan Coordinator for Young Adult Ministry in the Diocese of Green Bay. She is a national speaker, consultant, coach, teacher, and trainer as well as a national conference speaker. Her website is www.ministryblueprints.com.
Designing Faith Formation for Children and Families in the
Post-Pandemic World
Thursday, October 21, 2021
@ 7 pm EDT/ 6 pm CDT
The Children’s Faith Formation webinar engages leaders in designing faith formation with children (0-10 years old) and parents that puts the primary emphasis on their lives and needs today, and demonstrates how to best nurture their growth in faith and discipleship. The webinar presents a holistic approach to faith formation with children by incorporating intergenerational, family, and age group experiences; and presents practices and strategies for designing faith formation that reinvents current programming and develops new and innovative approaches to children’s faith formation.
Rev. Dr. Tanya Marie Eustace Campen is an ordained deacon in the Rio Texas Conference and currently serves as Director of Intergenerational Discipleship for the Rio Texas Conference Office. She has a Masters of Divinity from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and a Doctorate in Christian education and congregational studies from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary. Her research focus is children's spirituality. She has more than 20 years of experience as a Christian educator, youth director, and minister to children and families in the local church. She regularly teaches faith formation courses, webinars, and workshops for ministry leaders.
Designing Adolescent &
Emerging Adult Faith Formation
for the Post-Pandemic World
Thursday, November 11, 2021 @ 2 pm EST/1 pm CST
The Adolescent & Emerging Adult Faith Formation webinar engages leaders in designing faith formation with youth and emerging adults (high school through the 20s) that puts the primary emphasis on their lives and needs today, and how to best nurture their grow in faith and discipleship. This webinar explores the unique life tasks, needs, interests, and spiritual journeys of youth and emerging adults today; and presents practices and strategies for designing faith formation in today’s that reinvents current programming and develops new and innovative approaches to faith formation.
Rev. Michael Droege has been in youth and family ministry for over 30 years. Along with his church coaching work, Michael currently serves as Pastor of Wilson Memorial Church in Watchung, NJ, as an adjunct professor at Drew Theological School (Drew University), and is a frequent workshop and conference speaker with two decades of experience training and coaching leaders. Michael is also currently working on his PhD in Adolescent Faith Formation through the University of Pretoria.