June 15, 2022
What stewardship tasks require the attention of a pastor beginning ministry in a new congregational setting? Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Ann A. Michel of the Lewis Center Staff share a list of initial stewardship priorities for incoming pastors.

In-depth Interview with Scott Thuma
How has the pandemic shaped the vitality and resiliency of congregations? Did it really prompt large numbers of pastors to leave ministry? Doug Powe, director of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership, interviews Scott Thumma, principal investigator for the Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations research project.

It’s easy to lose sight of the ways God is alive and at work in our communities without intentional efforts to know and understand our neighbors. Paul Nixon describes three strategies for reconnecting with the pulse of your community.

The Right Question
Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Pastor G. Travis Norvell encourages churches to “draw your parish” as a way of understanding better the community your church serves. After thinking of the boundaries that make sense for your parish, he suggests you ask these questions:

Who calls it home?
What brings joy to those who call it home?
What causes pain in the parish?
Where is God already at work in your parish?

If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Includes the free COVID-19 Supplement. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions.

Listen. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to the Lewis Center’s YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.
Learn simple steps that any church can take to encourage legacy giving. Includes links to the free downloads “26 Things Churches and Pastors Can Do to Encourage Bequests” and “Sample Messages for Your Church.”

Leading Ideas is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you.
Join the Lewis Center’s Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. for his online summer course from Wesley Theological Seminary, CM-137-OL Church Finances, from July 11-15. The course is 1 academic credit hour or 1.5 CEU credits.

“Quotable” Leadership
If an organization is falling behind, it needs to change its tactics, change its pace, or change the players.” — Thomas W. Malnight and Ivy Buche
We can no longer simply open the church doors and expect that new people will come in. Effective congregations go into the world to encounter those in need of the gospel. Learn tips on reaching beyond the walls of your church with worship, community events, ministries, and service.

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