June 8, 2022
Steven Van Ostran challenges the common perception that bivocational ministers are second class or somehow “less than” those serving full time. He names four specific ways bivocational ministry can make the church more present to the community, more relevant, and more prophetic.

How can storytelling impact your ministry? And how can you inspire others to share their stories? Jee Hae Song believes we all have gifts for storytelling. In this episode she shares part of her story to inspire others to share how God works in their lives.

Kelly Brown says that creating a culture of accountability can be simple. SIMPLE is an acronym for remembering these six key principles: setting expectations, inviting commitment, measuring progress, providing feedback, linking consequences, and evaluating effectiveness.

The Right Question
Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Howard Guttman uses the idea of “self-coaching” to describe how leaders can help themselves grow. Questions he suggests include:

Am I able, ready, and willing to change my behavior permanently?
Who are the people who can provide me with insight about my behavior and with support, and who will be honest with me?
What’s the message that these people are giving me?
What actions am I going to take?

LPLI Pastor Version | LPLI Staff Version
LPLI is a confidential, online, 360º leadership assessment inventory designed to help those working in the church identify individual strengths and weaknesses in order to improve their ministry effectiveness. LPLI users receive a personalized leadership profile report that can be used for self-discovery, discussing their results with others, setting goals for improvement, and tracking progress over time.

Subscribe to the Lewis Center’s YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Lovett H. Weems Jr. says that church leaders can make a difference on issues of extreme political polarization such as guns, if they put themselves in the role of interpreter, reframer, questioner, and fellow seeker.

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Join the Lewis Center’s Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. for his online summer course from Wesley Theological Seminary, CM-137-OL Church Finances, from July 11-15. The course is 1 academic credit hour or 1.5 CEU credits.

“Quotable” Leadership
Practice makes perfect, but it doesn’t make new. Adam Grant
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Includes the free COVID-19 Supplement. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions.

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