May 4, 2022
Amy Kubichek of the Lewis Center staff shares Pew Research Center findings on how COVID-19 has impacted religious participation. As of March 2022, 90% of congregations had resumed in-person worship services, but only two-thirds of those who typically worship at least once a month have attended in person. Twenty-one percent are worshiping only online or on TV, and half of those who have attended in person are also worshiping digitally.

How can your church reach new people in today’s evolving ministry context? Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff interviews Tony Morgan, chief strategist for The Unstuck Group about trends, perspectives, and strategies drawn from his work with scores of congregations across the country and abroad.

Blake Bradford describes how framing meeting agendas around critical questions promotes engagement, innovation, and discernment. Excellent questions focus the power of the group’s gathered wisdom, rather than expecting the group to rubber stamp preformulated plans and solutions.

The Right Question
Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Is your ministry changing to fulfill your mission in the new circumstances most churches face today? These questions might help determine if you truly have changed.

Have our metrics changed?
Do we count different things now?

Join the Lewis Center’s Dr. Ann A. Michel and Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. for their online summer courses from Wesley Theological Seminary. Each course is 1 academic credit hour or 1.5 CEU credits.

CM-142-OL Healthy Stewardship in the Local Church (June 6–10) with Dr. Michel. In this course you will explore the biblical and theological basis for healthy congregational stewardship and a survey of best practices for cultivating generosity.

CM-137-OL Church Finances (July 11–15) with Dr. Weems. In this course you will explore building and funding congregational budgets, accurate tracking of giving, increasing methods of giving and streams of income, and proper financial administration of funds, examining all from both a theological perspective and from best practices of financial transparency and accountability.

Subscribe to the LewisLeadership YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Is your congregation getting ready for a new pastor? If yes, be sure to check out this new free video with tips from Robert Crossman on how to prepare to welcome your new pastor and how to say goodbye to your current pastor in a healthy way.

Leading Ideas is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you.
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Includes the free COVID-19 Supplement. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions.

“Quotable” Leadership
Instead of shutting out what is different, we should welcome it because it is different and through its difference will make a richer content of life.

Mary Parker Follett, 1868-1933
Includes information on “Making Meetings Matter”

More Church Leaders | Stronger Church Leaders helps clergy and lay leaders discover a more fruitful way of being in ministry together. The video tool kit provides practical strategies to identify and support new leaders and build and maintain effective ministry teams.