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October 28, 2023

Lewis Center for Church Leadership 20th Anniversary logo

Episode 134

“Leading with Love” featuring Elaine Robinson

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Is your leadership so preoccupied with strategies and actions that you’ve lost sight of the ultimate why? Elaine Robinson shares her belief that God’s love must ground every aspect of the church’s mission. And love must be the foundational principle of all Christian leadership.

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“Funding Forward: How Congregations Can Develop New Revenue Sources”— Episode 133

Is your congregation too dependent on Sunday morning offerings? Grace Pomroy from Luther Seminary shares research findings on congregations that are developing new and creative funding sources, not only to bolster the bottom line, but to better connect with neighbors and advance their missions. Watch episode | Read in-depth interview | Listen to episode

“Building Inclusive Communities” — Episode 132

How can church leaders build an inclusive community of faith? We speak with Brandan Robertson, the “Tiktok Pastor,” about social media ministry, intersectional inclusivity, and the challenges of building inclusive community. Watch episode | Read in-depth interview | Listen to episode

Episode 131

“Improve Your Time Management and Enhance Your Ministry”— Episode 131

How can church leaders improve their time management and maximize ministry? In this episode we speak with Nicole Reilley about time management, saying “no,” and prioritizing rest and sabbath. Also, learn how digital resources can help you better manage your time. Watch episode | Read in-depth interview | Listen to episode

“Leading Faithful Innovation— Episode 130

What if congregational change didn’t focus on setting goals or planning new programs? Dwight Zscheile believes finding a faithful way forward involves discovering what God is already doing in the lives of your neighbors and then finding ways of joining in God’s action. He shares a simple three-step process for experimenting with new practices that allow you to listen to God and your community. Watch episode | Read in-depth interview interview | Listen to episode

How can holy friendships sustain pastors and church leaders? In this episode we speak with Victoria White about her book Holy Friendships: Nurturing Relationships that Sustain Pastors and Church Leaders. She shares how to strengthen relationships into holy friendships and how to create opportunities for people to cultivate holy friendships. Watch episode | Read in-depth interview | Listen to episode
Leading Ideas Talks is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you.
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The Doctor of Ministry

Howard Thurman: Prophetic Witness

What does it mean for a leader to stand in the gap between the way things are and what they could be? Howard Thurman’s prophetic witness exemplified this form of leadership. Thurman did not demonize those responsible for systemic ills. Instead, he emphasized a positive vision of the way things could be. This track of doctoral study from Wesley Theological Seminary focuses on the power of a prophetic witness like Thurman’s to draw people toward a positive new future. Learn more and apply today for May 2024. Learn more and apply today for May 2024.

The Doctor of Ministry

Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership

Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for May 2024.
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