October 16, 2021
Are virtual meetings and work-from-home staff part of the new normal in your church? John Wimberly discusses best practices for working with staff and volunteers in a hybrid era.

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For anyone who wants to become a full-fledged podcast listener, here's what you need to know to get into it, from experts who know best.

How can innovation help congregations reach new and younger people? We speak with Mikka McCracken about innovation, building relationships, and creating person-focused ministries so more people know the way of Jesus and discover community, justice, and love. Listen now. | Read interview. | Watch interview video.
How can rural churches break free from false narratives and unrealistic metrics? Allen Stanton lays out a new vision for healthy rural congregations as valued stakeholders and potent agents of change within their communities. Listen now. | Read interview. | Watch interview video.
How can churches get ahead of the curve by learning to anticipate change rather than always responding to change after the fact? Dwight Friesen shares ways to cultivate the imagination and skill set needed to think forward. Listen now. | Read interview. | Watch interview video.
How can your church extend its reach and maximize its impact through digital media? In this episode, media producer Phil Cooke shares strategies for becoming more media savvy. Listen now. | Read interview. | Watch interview video.
What is pastoral imagination? And how can it be nurtured by clergy and laity? We speak with Eileen Campbell-Reed about how clergy can cultivate and nurture pastoral imagination in order to address conflict, experience joy, and develop a deep, wise knowing. Listen now. | Read interview.

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For Christian Educators, Program Directors, Youth Directors, Children’s Ministry Directors, Church Administrators, Music Directors, Mission Coordinators, and more
LPLI is a confidential, online, 360º leadership assessment inventory designed to help those working in the church identify individual strengths and weaknesses in order to improve their ministry effectiveness. LPLI: Staff Version provides better feedback for staff development and includes a free guidebook, Making the Most of LPLI, designed to lead a staff member through a process of analyzing their results, discussing their results with others, and formulating an action plan to improve their effectiveness.

Hosted by Wesley Theological Seminary
Friday, Oct. 29, 2021
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern

To facilitate recovery and resilience, this conference will explore the intersections among trauma studies in psychiatry and psychology; ancient experiences of trauma in the Bible; and vicarious, minority, and gender trauma today. Information about the speakers and workshops plus the conference schedule are available at toward-wholeness.com.