Through outstanding leadership, personal commitment, and innovation in services and program delivery, LeadingAge New Jersey members are leading the way in providing outstanding care and services to New Jersey's seniors.

The LeadingAge New Jersey Awards Program is a great opportunity to recognize the people in our communities who are making a difference in the lives of residents, colleagues, and their local community. 
This year's Awards Ceremony will take place Wednesday, December 5 at The Boat House at Mercer Lake in West Windsor, and offers award winners the opportunity to share their accomplishments with LeadingAge New Jersey colleagues, business partners, and industry leaders.
As you take a look at the award categories, think of your colleagues both within and outside of your organization who exemplify the spirit of these awards: 
  • Excellence in Care (Two Categories)
    • Direct Care 
    • Support Services
  • Excellence in Community Service
  • Excellence in Innovation
  • Excellence in Leadership
  • Professional Advancement
We look forward to seeing you and your staff join us on December 5 as we celebrate this year's Award Winners. 

If you have any questions please call Amy Greenbaum at (609) 452-1161.

2019 Call for Presentations is now OPEN! 

L eadingAge New Jersey is seeking substantive, engaging, interactive educational sessions that are applicable across the continuum of aging services for our Annual Meeting & EXPO.  We  invite you to share your expertise in the field of aging by submitting a proposal to be a presenter!  

*Please note that we are now accepting proposals online via Survey Monkey*  

For more information, visit our website by  clicking here

Early Findings from the IMPACT National Beta Test of Candidate Standardized Patient Assessment Data Elements (SPADEs)

On behalf of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the RAND Corporation is hosting an overview of the results from its national test related to data element standardization for post-acute care providers on Tuesday, November 27th, 2018, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET at the RAND offices in Arlington, VA. RAND will provide updates on and early findings from the National Beta Test of candidate standardized patient assessment data elements (SPADEs), discuss areas of support and key concerns raised by stakeholders during prior engagement activities, and answer questions from attendees.

If you are interested in participating, you may register to attend in person or by phone using the links below. The limited number of in-person spaces will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Register Today: 
Preservation of Pre-1974 Section 202 Direct Loan Properties Webinar

Are you interested in preserving your Section 202 Direct Loan Properties?  HUD is pleased to announce the Preservation of Pre-1974 Section 202 Direct Loan Properties webinar.

This 90-minute webinar provides a detailed review of preservation options for pre-1974 Section 202 Direct Loan properties.  The webinar includes guidance on recent HUD notices related to prepayment and refinance of Section 202 Direct Loans  (Notice H 2013-17), and strategies to obtain and utilize tenant protection vouchers and Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contracts (SPRACs) (Notices  H 2018-01 and  H 2018-02). Following the overview of these preservation options, participants will be able to participate in a Q&A session with the presenters.

Training Objectives
  • Participants gain a better understanding of available options to preserve their pre-1974 Section 202 Direct Loan properties and affordability of their rental units.
  • Participants gain clarity on the preservation steps and requirements of the notices.
Who Should Attend?
  • Pre-1974 Section 202 Direct Loan property owners
  • Public housing agencies
  • Other stakeholders interested in learning strategies to preserve the affordability of these properties. 
Registration Information
You must have a HUD Exchange account to register.  Follow these  instructions for registering.

Training Point of Contact
Helena Waziri | 240-582-3626

Increasing Access to Patient-Centered Care 
Advance Care Planning and POLST/emPOLST

A free education seminar is being offered to anyone interested in enhancing patient-centered advance care planning and the appropriate use of POLST and empowering clients to express their wishes. 

Training Objectives
  • To gain support for increased use of the Practitioner Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST), and the online emPOLST and other advance care planning tools
  • To empower patients to express their wishes and values for good quality of life, and to document their goals of care and treatment preferences
Learn About
  • State and federal policies relating to advanced illness and end-of-life care
  • New Jersey initiatives to increase access to patient-centered care through understanding and use of advance-care planning, POLST/emPOLST
  • Best practices for integrating palliative and hospice care across the healthcare continuum
  • Initiatives to support family caregiver needs
  • Family perspectives on treatment options and decision making
Who Should Attend?
  • Legislators and staff
  • State, county, local health and human service agencies
  • Health system, population health, and post-acute providers
  • Advocacy organizations
  • Community leaders
  • AARP members
  • All community members
Registration Information
Register here or by emailing Christine Corti at

News & Updates
We are committed to keeping you up to date with news, updates and information that will help you and your organization thrive.  

Congress is back for a Lame Duck session and must enact a final fiscal year 2019 HUD appropriations bill as soon as possible.  HUD's programs are currently funded under a Continuing Resolution through December 7. Housing providers and the residents they serve need a full-year appropriations bill to ensure uninterrupted funding for the next year.

Before election season, Congress was close to enacting a final HUD funding bill.  With weeks left, Congress MUST complete this job now.  

Contact your legislators TODAY to protect affordable housing for older adults! 

How You Can Help

Workforce Challenges Survey 

At the LeadingAge Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, President and CEO Katie Smith Sloan pledged her support to help all of our members address the workforce crisis. 

Please take a moment to tell us what is working, what isn't, and how LeadingAge can help YOU. 

Take 2 minutes out of your busy day and tell us your biggest workforce challenges - and your suggestions for solutions. They can be nuts and bolts you'd like help with - or, big dreams you think LeadingAge should pursue.  

You are on the ground and know what you need - and we'd like to make it happen.

CMS Releases Home Health Final Rule

On October 31, 2018, CMS released the 2019 home health prospective payment system rate update and 2020 case-mix adjustment methodology refinements for public inspection - this was published in the Federal Register on November 13.  

CMS projects that Medicare payments to home health agencies in calendar year 2019 will be increased by 2.2%, which is slightly higher than what was announced in the proposed rule.

It also finalizes the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM), however a key language shift states on or after January 1, 2020 indicating the possibility for a later start date.  However, LeadingAge encourages home health providers to begin planning for a January 1 start date.

LeadingAge will analyze the rule and provide an analysis in the near future along with updates to the home health rate calculator based on the information in the final rule. 
PPAG Post Election Analysis


United States Senator Bob Menendez Overcomes Ethics Issues to Win Re-election in the Garden State.

In a Presidential Midterm Election, New Jersey's United States Senate race prove to be a nasty affair. The race featured United States Senior Senator Bob Menendez (D) squaring off against former pharmaceutical executive Bob Hugin (R). The contest garnered national attention, but ultimately, Senator Menendez, would prevail, winning reelection by about a 9 point margin before the counting of all vote by mail ballots.

Menendez's reelection bid was hampered by a high-profile federal corruption trial that ended in a mistrial. Menendez was accused by President Barack Obama's Justice Department of accepting gifts from Florida ophthalmologist, Salomon Melgen, in exchange for advocating for his business interests. While the corruption trial would end in a mistrial, Menendez was eventually "severely admonished" by the bi-partisan Senate Ethics Committee.

Hugin, who spent over $38 million of his own money, hammered Menendez over his ethical troubles and claimed that "New Jersey deserves better." In the end, the Garden State's deep unpopularity towards President Donald Trump, hindered Hugin's election prospects. The Menendez campaign tied his opponent to President Trump, noting that Hugin served as a key fundraiser and delegate to the President at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

In a State where Democrats outnumber Republicans by nearly 900,000 voters, Menendez was able to energize his base enough to capture re-election to the Senate. Since 1972, New Jersey has not elected a Republican to represent the State. The Menendez ticket carried traditional Democratic counties including Hudson, Essex, and Camden.

Following this year's Midterm Election's New Jersey's Congressional Delegation will be Comprised of 10 Democrats and 1 Republican with CD-3 still up in the air as we go to print.
New Jersey State Senator Jeff Van Drew (D) cruises to victory against former Atlantic County Freeholder Seth Grossman (R)

Following Congressman Frank LoBiondo's (R-Ventnor) announcement that he would not seek re-election after 22 years in Congress, State Senator Jeff Van Drew and former Freeholder Atlantic County Freeholder and attorney Seth Grossman squared off in a bid to represent New Jersey's southern-most district. Van Drew, a dentist who has represented Cape May County and portions of Cumberland and Atlantic Counties during his tenure in Trenton, defeated Grossman by an 52% to 46.2% margin.
While early polling suggested that the race could be a toss-up, comments made by Grossman on the campaign trail, including disparaging remarks about diversity, women and minorities, quickly separated the two candidates. The district, which was targeted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee as a part of its "Red to Blue Campaign", has not been represented by a Democrat since Congressman William J. Hughes in 1995.

The race between President Trump's closest ally in New Jersey, Congressman Tom MacArthur (R), and former National Security Council official and diplomat Andy Kim (D) remains too close to call. Vote by Mail ballots will determine the outcome of the campaign when counted over the next few days.
New Jersey's 3rd Congressional District spans the state from the Shore to the Delaware river and contains portions of Republican stronghold Ocean County and a heavily Democratic portion of Burlington County. Unlike the rest of New Jersey's Congressional Delegation, Congressman MacArthur has actively supported the President, most notably through the Republican's unsuccessful attempt to repeal Obamacare and his support of the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act". Throughout the campaign cycle, Mr. Kim, who grew up in NJ-3, billed himself as a centrist and contrasted himself from the incumbent on a number of issues including climate change, and the preservation of Obamacare.
Initially a long-shot, Mr. Kim's campaign capitalized on the President's unpopularity in the Garden State and closed the gap in public polls leading up to the election. A Monmouth University survey released on October 25, 2018 showed Mr. Kim leading the incumbent by 2 points - a 48% to 46% margin. Furthermore, Mr. Kim scored the endorsements of the Star Ledger and Philadelphia Inquirer leading up to the election. Congressman MacArthur was solely endorsed by the Burlington County Times, who cited his support of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, military veterans, and his work championing funding for the opioid crisis and deportation protection for Dreamers.
Well-funded Former Obama Assistant Secretary of State Tom Malinowski (D) edges Congressman Leonard Lance (R) in the battle to represent New Jersey's 7th Congressional District
Five-time incumbent Congressman Leonard Lance, most known for his civility and stance as a moderate Republican, lost the political fight of his career in the well-educated, affluent Seventh Congressional District to former Assistant Secretary of State Tom Malinowski. Lance has represented the District since 2008 and has won each of his past four election bid by double-digits. Malinowski emerged as a well-funded opponent against the incumbent. On election day, Malinowski prevailed by an 50.3% to 48.2% margin.
On the campaign trail, Lance did not shy away from his record and argued that his views were, "...the views of the district," and championed his bipartisan record on issues including health care, tax policy, and the international situation and immigration. Furthermore, Lance would accuse his opponent of being a carpetbagger who "parachuted" into the district to seek federal office. The Congressman also attacked his challenger as a lobbyist for terrorists and cited Malinowski's role in drafting the Iran Nuclear Deal and his work as a lobbyist for the Human Rights Watch.
Mr. Malinowski would attempt to bill himself as a centrist who is, ", pro-defense, and pro-free Trade," and attacked Lance for describing himself as a Moderate. Malinowski's campaign significantly out-raised and out-spent the Lance Camp and spent a significant portion of his war chest on television advertisements and mailers. Pundits leading up to the race speculated that Moderate Republicans, like Congressman Lance were the most vulnerable representatives who could be swept up and defeated in the event of a "Blue Wave."
Polling prior to Election Day showed the race was a dead heat, but in the end, the weight of President Donald Trump unpopularity in the district was too much for the incumbent to overcome.
Former Navy Pilot and Federal Prosecutor Mikie Sherril (D) defeats Republican Assemblyman Jay Webber (R) in a heavily contested election
On January 29, 2018, House Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen shocked the political world when he announced his retirement from Congress at the end of his term. In the bid to fill Frelinghuysen's seat, extremely well-funded Democrat Mikie Sherril defeated New Jersey State Assemblyman Jay Webber by an 55.6% to 43.3% margin.

The district, which spans across Morris, Essex, Passaic and Sussex Counties, has since redistricting in the 1980s, become one of the State's most reliable Republican districts. Congresswoman-Elect Sherril's campaign drew national attention, as she scored endorsements from comedian Chelsea Handler,, the New York Times, and EMILY's List. Additionally, Sherril's fundraising placed her among the top house fundraisers in the country, including the most ever raised for a Congressional Race in New Jersey history. On the issues, Sherril billed herself as a centrist who has vowed to secure funding for the Gateway Tunnel, develop a better tax deal for the middle class, and fight against any efforts to weaken protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
Her opponent, Assemblyman Webber, was called by his opponent as being out-of-touch with the views of the State's northeastern suburban district. Webber's campaign included political stumps from Vice President Michael Pence (R) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), and an endorsement and fundraiser held by President Trump. He was attacked by his opponent for his voting record in Trenton, which included votes against paid leave for new parents, his opposition to abortion rights and gay marriage, and his refusal to oppose gay conversion therapy.
In the suburban district, which is mostly heavily comprised of traditionally Republican Morris County, Sherril's appeal as a centrist carried her to victory and claimed a notable success in the Garden State for national Democrats.

Although elections for the New Jersey State Senate and the New Jersey General Assembly will be held next year, there were Special Elections in Districts 5, 15, and 38 on Election Day. Each of the appointed legislators won handily and will now fill out the remainder of the unexpired terms.  

The Burlington County Freeholder Board switched control from Republican to Democrat. Republicans regained control of the Salem County Freeholder Board. Meanwhile, the Democrats won two seats on the Somerset County Freeholder Board for the first time since 1988.  
New Jersey voters were asked to vote on one public ballot question:
Public Question No. 1:
Voters approved the question by a margin of 52% to 48%. The question asked voters if they wanted to authorize the State to issue $500 million in general obligation bonds for project grants related to vocational schools, college career and technical education, school water infrastructure, and school security. The ballot question appropriates $350 million for career and technical education rants and school security project grants; $100 million for school water infrastructure grants; and $50 million for college career and technical education grants. The measure was supported by a coalition of higher education institutions, building trades and student organizations and opposed by several media editorial boards and the 101.5 radio station.

Special Recognition to LeadingAge New Jersey Member
NK Architects for AIA New Jersey's 2018 Firm of the Year!

NK was previously awarded "Firm of the Year" in 2007 and has yet again been recognized for its "efforts, comradery, excellent work, and service 'beyond the boards/screens' to our local community," according to NK's President and CEO, Stephen P. Aluotto, AIA. 
Current Job Openings
For more information, contact  A my Greenbaum, Association Services Coordinator  at or call the LeadingAge New Jersey office at (609) 452-1161.  
Policy & Advocacy
We are your voice, advocating for you collectively and individually.  Our goal is to ensure that our members' best interests are advanced at all levels of government.  
President & CEO Jim McCracken Testifies before the Department of Labor on Earned Sick Leave Rules

On November 13, 2018, President & CEO James W. McCracken testified before the New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development (NJDOLWD) concerning the proposed new earned sick leave rules codified at N.J.A.C. 12:69, which were promulgated by NJDOLWD pursuant to the New Jersey Earned Sick Leave Act.

The LeadingAge New Jersey Human Resources Roundtable has been meeting regularly to discuss the New Jersey Earned Sick Leave Act.  McCracken highlighted concerns about "benefit year"; earned sick leave use - specifically "public health emergency" and "certain dates"; and payout and carry-over of earned sick leave. 
Recently Introduced Legislation

A-4639 Vainieri Huttle (D-37)
Requires certain medical facilities to undertake end-of-life planning and training as condition of licensure.

A-4682 Speight (D-29)
Establishes public awareness campaign to promote early conversations about advance care planning and end-of-life care.

A-4683 Speight (D-29)
Requires certain medical facilities to undertake end-of-life planning and training as condition of licensure.

A-4684 Speight (D-29); McKnight (D-31)
Establishes Working Group on End-of-Life Care and Palliative Care in DOH.

A-4687 Timberlake (D-34); Jimenez (D-32)
Raises minimum wage rate to $10.10, makes additional increases over four-year period, and maintains annual cost of living increases. 

A-4688 Vainieri Huttle (D-37)
Establishes Working Group on End-of-Life Care and Palliative Care in DOH.

A-4697 Murphy (D-7)
Requires owners of multiple dwellings of three or more floors to provide priority status to residents moving to lower floors.

A-4711 Mukherji (D-33)
Prohibits landlord from considering certain actions in tenant screening; clarifies that rent receivership action does not require rent deposit and may be based on implied warranty of habitability.

A-4729 Schepisi (R-39); Vainieri Huttle (D-37)
Requires certain facilities to notify patients or legal guardians of outbreak of contagious disease within 24 hours of onset of outbreak.  

S-3177 Bucco (R-25)
Authorizes bonus credits toward fair share affordable housing obligation for transitional housing occupied by veterans. 

S-3200 Cardinale (R-39)
Requires certain facilities to notify patients or legal guardians of outbreak of contagious diseases within 24 hours of onset of outbreak. 

S-3201 Lagana (D-38); Gopal (D-11)
Revises certain aspects of out-of-network arbitration process under the "Out-of-network Consumer Protection, Transparency, Cost Containment and Accountability Act."

Nurses Praise Bucco's Dedication of In-Home Health Care at Awards Ceremony

Parsippany Focus | October 31, 2018

Trenton, N.J.Bayada Nurses presented Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco with its Champion Award last week for his support of in-home nurses and the patients who rely on them.

Bucco was honored for his work to raise reimbursement rates for personal care assistants and private duty nurses, and supporting a recently signed law providing parking placards that ease access for home health-care providers.

Professionals and advocates praised Bucco's dedication and hard work at the organization's annual awards ceremony at the Hilton Garden Inn in Hamilton Township on Thursday, Oct. 25.

In December 2016, Bucco visited Cerza and her daughter Carly Zukowsky in their home in Bernardsville with Christine Rios, the director of the Bayada pediatrics office in Morris Plains. The 17-year-old Zukowsky was diagnosed with a recessive genetic disorder after her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck during birth. She receives full-time nursing care and is a sophomore at Bernards High School.

When the family needed additional nursing hours, Bucco negotiated with their insurance company to get more nursing coverage for Zukowsky.

Bucco also thanked Bayada nurses for everything they have done for the families and patients that they serve.

Click here  to read the full article.