Upcoming Due Dates
February 15
Mortar Board's Birthday!
On our founding date we are asking all members to post about what their favorite part of the Mortar Board purpose is! Tag the national pages in your post and #MortarBoardWeek2020 and be entered to win a free Mortar Board tee!
February 9-15
Mortar Board Week
Visit the Mortar Board website for resources and ideas. Also, check out the Mortar Board Week 2020 Toolkit . 

Advisor's Webinar
Join us for Guiding Officer Elections at noon Eastern. Register today.

History Requests
Each chapter historian is responsible for reading their chapter's history at the initiation ceremony. Request national records today

Fellowship Application
A member of any age may apply for a Mortar Board Fellowship for postbaccalaureate degree study in any field. Mortar Board is now accepting applications for the 2020-2021 academic year. Learn more about the application process and frequently asked questions .

March 12
Worried about your chapter's financial status approaching the end of the year? Attend this 30 minute webinar, at 2 p.m. Eastern, to get tips on how to pay your annual fee and travel cost for your conference delegate.

March 15-21
A dvisor Appreciation Week is the annual national celebration of Mortar Board’s chapter advisors! Recognize the hard work and dedication of your advisors. 
Mortar Board is 102
Mortar Board celebrates its 102nd birthday on February 15. Women representing our founding chapters met on a cold February 15, 1918, morning in Syracuse, N.Y., to create a national honor society for college senior women. Little did they know that their legacy, a century later, would be a Society more than a quarter-of-a-million members strong. From the beginning, Mortar Board was more than a means of recognizing academic achievement. The Society brought together women leaders from all parts of campus, honoring them for their dedication to the Ideals of scholarship, leadership and service. While the years have brought both growth and change to Mortar Board, the commitment to our purpose remains as strong today as it was in 1918. Celebrate this tradition during Mortar Board week February 9-15.
Mortar Board, with the support of the Starlington Fund, offers the chance to recognize extraordinary collegiate members. Any member of the chapter may be nominated for this honor. The recipient of the prize will also receive $500 and a paid trip to the 2020 national conference in Little Rock, Ark. Nominations may be made by the chapter, an advisor, a section coordinator, a group of members, or a college or university official or faculty. Nominations are due to the National Office on or before April 15 .
Recognize the outstanding service, guidance and support of your advisor by nominating them for the Excellence in Advising Award! Nominations are due on or before March 30.  Award recipients from the past five years along with Excellence in Advising with Distinction Award winners are ineligible to receive the award this year. A complete list of previous recipients is on our website.

There are two ways to save on regalia! Chapters who pay their chapter annual fee of $350 on or before March 15 receive a free medallion
Chapters that order regalia as a group in a bulk order on or before March 15 receive FREE shipping.