Here we are in the middle of August, and summer is winding down. Before I retired from teaching, I would always get anxious about the upcoming school year and how much was still unchecked on my summer to-do list. Would I be able to say the right thing to the right kid when they needed it? Would my lesson plans be engaging enough? Would this be the year the kids learned to use their, they’re, and there correctly? And why were my windows at home still dirty? After all, I’d had all summer to wash them!
I knew my incoming ninth graders were just as anxious about starting high school, fitting in with kids they didn’t know yet, and making the grades everyone expected of them. I don’t know who had the bigger deer-in-the-headlights look — the new ninth graders or the brand new out-of-college teachers. It was a toss up, for sure.
We’ve all experienced being the new kid or starting a different job or joining a new group. Some of us revel in the challenges and opportunities of new experiences, but I bet most of us approach them with at least some level of trepidation. And some of us just plain hate any kind of change at all.
I wonder how Jesus felt about the role he was called to as an adult. My own internal dialogue would have been asking all sorts of questions: What do you mean, God? How am I going to find a group of guys to travel with me as I teach new people? How am I going to feed all these people who have gathered to listen to me? How am I going to heal the sick? Will people listen to my message and learn from it? Will these Pharisees ever lighten up and see what I’m trying to tell them? Why do I have to pray for so many days and nights straight? And why won’t this pesky devil leave me alone?
But then I remember that Jesus was really great at praying and talking to God. And Christ’s friend Paul (the one formerly known as Saul) was good at giving advice to folks; after all he’s the one who wrote:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 ESV
If you’re feeling anxious about any change that is ahead of you, pray about it. And listen to the people who are willing to give you advice. God probably sent them to you to help with some of that anxiety and worry. If you don’t have any anxiety right now, be the one to help someone else out with theirs. And please pray for everyone starting a new school year.
Joni Amerson
Elder for Music and Worship
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Worship at WFPC
10:00 in the Sanctuary
Our Scripture comes from Psalm 146 and John 21:15-19. Marguerite's sermon is "The Help We Need."
In August we are focusing on the Congregational Vitality aspect of the Matthew 25 Movement. If you'd like more information, you can visit
Our service is livestreamed on our YouTube channel:
Print an at-home bulletin here
Elder on Call: Marty Wakefield
Deacon of the Day: Elizabeth Esguerra
The book discussion for our August book, Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose by Stephen Lewis, Matthew Wesley Williams, Dori Grinenko Baker, will be held in the sanctuary this Sunday, August 18, immediately following the service. This is our final book for our Matthew 25 summer!
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End of Summer Cookout -- Thursday, August 22 at 6 p.m.
All are invited to join the fun for our End of Summer Cookout on August 21 at 6 p.m. Weather permitting, we will be in the grassy field by the preschool wing. If it rains, we’ll be in the CLC. Hamburgers are $2.50 and hotdogs are $1.50; children 4 and under eat free. Please bring cash to pay. If the weather permits, water play for children will be provided — dress them accordingly! Bring your favorite sides or dessert to share. Register to attend here:
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Earth Care Notes (by Millie Seiler)
Psalm 24:1-2 reads, “The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14–30 tells of a master who was leaving his house to travel, and before leaving, entrusted his property to his three servants. According to the abilities of each man, one servant received five talents, the second received two, and the third received only one. We all know what happened to those three men. When the master returned, the two who had turned the gold given to them to a profit heard ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!' The third servant buried his gold to simply keep it safe. He did not fare so well. He was tossed out and sat weeping and gnashing his teeth.
Now let’s apply the parable and the psalm to the way we care for God’s world and consider what we purchase and how we dispose of our waste. Hmmm…Doesn’t always look so good, does it?
The Good News is that our church has a new Earth Care Team who will be offering us many opportunities to change our lifestyle so that God can look down upon us and say, “Well done, Good and Faithful Servants!”
Starting this Sunday, we Good and Faithful Servants can help by taking our recyclables home from church to recycle, and Church Bulletins can be collected to line the bottom of the vegetable cartons the Giving Garden uses for deliveries to our local hunger ministries.
Stay tuned for more opportunities!
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Premise Keepers
The next Premise Keepers gathering will take place on Saturday, August 17th. We will work on indoor and outdoor projects around the church property. Join us at 8:00 a.m. in the CLC for breakfast and fellowship before we get started. No experience is necessary, and all are welcome. Please contact Mindy Hidenfelter and Mike Chapman at with any questions.
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Alleluia (Children's) Choir
Children's Sunday is coming up very fast (August 25) and the Alleluia Choir will be singing in that service. If you have a child or children (kindergarten through 8th grade) who would like to participate, we are going to rehearse in the sanctuary on August 21, 5:00-5:45. For questions, please contact Karen Reardon at
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Second Annual Lake Day!
Sunday, August 25, 1-4 p.m.
Bring your sunscreen, your floats (or paddle boards or kayaks) and your JOY!
We’re having a church-wide play date at Kerr LAKE on August 25!! Everyone is invited to bring a picnic lunch and gather at Satterwhite #1 (6254 Satterwhite Point Road in Henderson). There will be a boat or two for some water sport and cruising fun, plus an area for swimming as well as a picnic shelter for spending time in the shade. Bring a camping chair if you want to sit and hang out! (There are picnic tables, but if you'd prefer something a bit more comfortable grab a chair from home!)
** Please note, this site is just around the corner from last year's site and is within the state campground, so there is a $7 per car entry fee to the area.
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Dementia Caregivers
Our August meetings will be on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
Please note that, for Zoom attendees, this is the third Wednesday in August instead of the second Wednesday. The topic is Dealing with the Stress of Caregiving. Effective stress management is key to an easier caregiver journey. This lesson will focus on identifying specific kinds of stress in its many forms and ways to address this stress.
The in-person class is from 10:00 until noon in Room B017 of the CLC. The same class will be held from 2:00 to 3:30 pm via Zoom. Classes are open to anyone who is interested in learning more about care for individuals with any type of dementia. There is no need to let anyone know that you are going to attend. Those who wish to attend the Zoom class and are not already on our mailing list may contact Pat Snyder via email ( to receive a link for the class. You may also view videos about dementia, including past classes, on Pat’s YouTube channel at Pat Snyder - YouTube.
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Mission and Outreach
Backpack Buddies
We are in need of a weekly deliverer for the Wakefield schools. If we can get more than one volunteer, then the weeks can be split up to lessen the load. There are approximately 13 bags for Wakefield Elementary school and 5 for Wakefield Middle. They have to be delivered on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. If you are available to help, please contact Heather Wheeler at
CROP Hunger Walk:
Sunday, September 22
Walk, Give, Change the World!
As followers of Jesus, we are taught, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” When the followers of Jesus asked, “Who is our neighbor?”, Jesus responded with the parable of the Good Samaritan. Our neighbor is the person whose need we see and can meet.
The annual Wake Forest CROP Hunger Walk is a powerful way to confront hunger both at home and around the world. This year, walkers for the annual CROP Hunger Walk will gather at the Wake Forest Birthplace on Sunday, September 22. Step-off is at 3 pm. You can participate by opting for a one-mile walk, a three-mile walk, or by going online and sponsoring a walker. Sign up to walk or give! Access the WFPC team here:
Teri Wendel
Cathy Poland
Millie Seiler
The team will visit Turnberry on Saturday, August 17, at 11:30 for lunch and bingo. The theme this month is “Southern Comfort.” Please contact Loretta Highfield with questions at
Giving Garden
Join us in the garden to plant, water, and mulch on our regularly scheduled work days! If you sign up via SignUpGenius, we will notify you of any changes in plans due to weather, etc.
Regular Garden Workdays: Tuesdays & Saturdays, 8 -11 am. Please register on
For More Information, contact Pam Schulze at (919)-522-3146 or
Want to know more about Mission and Outreach at WFPC?
Please contact Kathy Tharrington at or Carol Winans-Geiser at
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Youth Kick Off!
Our youth kick off event will be on Sunday, September 8, from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.! This is an event for the whole family! All youth in 6th -12th grades and their families are invited to come learn about ALL THINGS YOUTH!! See where you land on the list below and bring a dish to share!
Middle school (6th, 7th, 8th) -- bring a dessert
High school (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) -- bring a main dish or side
Advisors -- bring drinks
Youth T-Shirts
Hey youth and parents, have you ordered your youth t-shirt? Our YLT has designed a great shirt again this year based off the theme for 2024-2025! If you still need one, the deadline to order and have it ready for you at the youth kick off event is AUGUST 19th! Look at the Weekly Youth Updates email, and you will find the form to place your order there!
Youth Email List
Are you a youth in 6th - 12th grade or a parent of those youth? Do you get our weekly email with details about the happenings in youth ministries? If not, let us know!! Send an email to that includes your names and contact information and we will get you added to the distribution list! We look forward to meeting you soon!
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Please keep the following members of our church family in your prayers:
Jody Alston
Don McCorkle
Evelyn Patton
Dan Root
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Saturday, August 17
8:00 am Iron Sharpens Iron
8:00 am Premise Keepers
Sunday, August 18
10:00 am Worship Service
11:00 am August Book Discussion
11:00 am Teacher/Leader Training
12:00 pm Pickleball and Ping Pong
Monday, August 19
6:45 pm Boy Scout Parent Meeting
7:00 pm Session Meeting
Tuesday, August 20
5:30 pm Glory Tones
6:30 pm Praise Team
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry
Wednesday, August 21
10:00 am Dementia Caregivers
5:00 pm Alleluia Choir
6:30 pm Iron Sharpens Iron
7:00 pm Chancel Choir
Thursday, August 22
6:00 pm End of Summer Cookout
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WFPC Finance and Attendance | |
Offerings/Tithes vs Expenses -- June 2024 | |
**Offering July YTD 2024 has been adjusted for "prepaid" pledges
***YTD 2024 expenses are lower thatn 2023 due to personnel expenses not including Associate Pastor and 2 2/3 months of Financial Administrator
August 11, 2024 Attendance: 159
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WFPC Deacons
Class of 2024
Karla Frye, Welcome
Bonnie Habicht, Fellowship
Mike Honkomp, Fellowship
Traci Marchand, Compassion
Class of 2025
Joy Blanton, Compassion
Eric Earle, Welcome
Class of 2026
Elizabeth Esguerra, Fellowship
Robin Hendricks, Branch
Eunice Shankland, Fellowship
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WFPC Session
Class of 2024
Joni Amerson, Worship
Harold Panel, Personnel
Kathy Tharrington, Outreach
Keith Thomas, Finance
Marty Wakefield, Generosity
Class of 2025
Mike Chapman, Facilities
Kathy Drake, Worship
Melinda Keen, Finance
Lisa Solomon, Generosity
Karen Sperati, Personnel
Jacky Wilson, Congregational Life
Carol Winans-Geiser, Outreach
Class of 2026
Andy Dunlap, Congregational Life
Mindy Hidenfelter, Facilities
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Stay in touch with what's happening in New Hope Presbytery by reading their e-news! | | | | |