The League of Wisconsin Municipalities E-Newsletter | December 2021

Today! Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 12:00-1:00 via Zoom
Zoom Information for all Roundtable calls. This week's roundtable will host Department of Transportation Secretary Craig Thompson, Public Service Commission Chairwoman Rebecca Cameron Valcq, and Department of Natural Resources Assistant Deputy Secretary Steven Little. All of our guests will be discussing the federal infrastructure funding and it's impacts in Wisconsin.
Infrastructure Bill Impact In Wisconsin

For information on how the Infrastructure bill will impact Wisconsin see the White House analysis.

For information on the nationwide impact, read the US Conference of Mayors analysis. (PDF)

Read all of the League's 2021 Legislative Bulletins here.
Save the date!
In addition, League Member Roundtables will continue
every second Tuesday of the month via Zoom.
Information on upcoming events will be posted to our website soon.

Need help with grant opportunities? The League has created a Grants Resource page on our website.

It includes the Grants Assistance Spreadsheet, a list of companies available to assist you with grants, including grants management. It will download as an Excel spreadsheet to your computer.

We'll be adding to this page in the future. If you have a grants resource you'd like to see posted, please contact Gail Sumi at email.
Covid-19 Vaccine Boosters

All vaccinated adults 18+ should get a COVID booster.  
  • Get it at least 6 months after your 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine. 
  • Get it at least 2 months after your single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine. 
To find vaccines near you, visit (English) or (Spanish). 

How you can help: 
  1. If you’re on Facebook, update your profile picture to our new COVID Boosters Facebook Frames here. You can search keywords We Can Do This to find and add the booster frames in English or Spanish. 
  2. Post on your social media to remind vaccinated family and friends to get their booster. Use our social media guide here with helpful copy and graphics. 
  3. Visit our COVID booster hub here for resources to reach communities including FAQs, posters, video, and more. 
For more information on COVID vaccine boosters, please visit the CDC website for the latest details and guidance here. 
Thanks to the HHS COVID-19 Community Corps Team.  
DNR Seeks Public Comment on Updated Water Condition Lists

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking public comment on revised water condition lists included in the draft 2022 Impaired Waters List.
Updates include moving 48 waterbody pollutant listings from the draft 2022 Impaired Waters list to the Restoration Waters list by adding them to the following three Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) plans: Milwaukee River Basin, Upper Fox-Wolf Basins and Wisconsin River Basin. By moving the 48 listings to the Restoration Waters List, they will no longer require a TMDL.

Pollutant listings placed on the Restoration Waters list have fulfilled a Clean Water Act requirement of having a TMDL for identified pollutants. Application of the TMDLs’ pollution limits over time is intended to reduce pollutant load and its negative impacts on the waterbody.

The three TMDL plans will be sent to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval prior to submittal. The TMDL appendices and list of waters can be found on the DNR’s website.

The DNR sought public comment on the draft 2022 lists in fall 2021. During this process, the 48 waterbody pollutant listings were determined to be part of the Restoration Waters list.

Submit comments by Jan. 7, 2022 to:
Department of Natural Resources
C/O Ashley Beranek, Water Quality
P.O. Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707

More information about water quality and impaired waters is available on the DNR’s website.
New Toolkit For Vapor Intrusion Evaluation (Dry Cleaner - Brownfields)

The WI Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering an online resource tool for local governments, neighborhood associations and property owners to evaluate sources and minimize the risks of vapor intrusion from historical dry-cleaning operations in their communities.

The disposal or spilling of cleaning solvents used by historical dry cleaners, long before current waste management laws were in effect, may have resulted in chemical vapors in the ground that can migrate into present-day buildings.
Access the toolkit.

Photo thanks to the Wisconsin Historical Society, Vinje, Arthur M., "Block System, Inc.; Sanitone Dry Cleaners", 80988. Viewed online.
Reminder ARPA FAQ

The League and the Wisconsin Towns Association joint ARPA FAQ answers specific questions our associations have received over the past several months.

Check the League's ARPA website for the latest information.
ARPA Revenue Loss Calculator
The Calculator was created by the League in partnership with the Wisconsin Towns Association with help from the WI Department of Revenue.

The Calculator will download to your computer as an Excel spreadsheet. 
Reminder - Take the Office of Rural Prosperity Assistance Survey 

The Office of Rural Prosperity (ORP) is within the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). It was developed to support and maintain the vibrancy of rural communities, assisting their many industries from agricultural production and working forests to main street businesses through a coordinated statewide approach. 

The survey will be used to assess and facilitate technical assistance in identifying funding options, planning services, grant writing opportunities, support from topic experts, and to share practical experiences that have been successful in other communities. This will be an ongoing and engaging process to develop statewide resiliency initiatives. Take the survey!
League Handbook Orders!

You can order the following Handbooks in print or as a PDF:
Handbook for Wisconsin Municipal Officials - Completely updated in January 2017. PDF Available!
Handbook for Wisconsin Police and Fire Commissioners - Completely updated in January 2019. PDF Available!
Municipal Licensing and Regulation of Alcohol Beverages - Updated in July 2021. PDF Available!

League Handbooks include: Annual Directory of Wisconsin City and Village Officials (Free PDF) * Annual Products and Services Guide for Wisconsin Municipalities * Annexation of Territory to Wisconsin Cities and Villages * Basic Financial Administration for Wisconsin Local Governments * The Conduct of Common Council Meetings * The Conduct of Village Board Meetings * A Citizen's Guide to Wisconsin Cities and Villages FREE (PDF) * Handbook for Wisconsin Municipal Officials - Completely updated in Jan. 2017. * Handbook for Wisconsin Police and Fire Commissioners - Completely updated in Jan. 2019. * Municipal Licensing and Regulation of Alcohol Beverages - Updated in July 2021. * The Powers and Duties of Wisconsin Mayors * The Powers and Duties of Wisconsin Village Presidents * Proceedings of the Annual Municipal Attorneys Institute * So You've Been Elected (Booklet) * So You Want to Be An Elected Official (Booklet) * Special Assessments in Wisconsin

Orders for print Handbooks will be fulfilled once a week. Place your order here.
For Clerks:
Looking for a way to review election processes before a big election year? Check out the Wisconsin Elections Commission Election Administration video series here. Processes reviewed include absentees, military and overseas voters, poll book management, and more. Sign in to WisVote Learning and find Election Administration on the left-hand side of your screen.
Thanks to the Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association for this information.
USDA Seeks Applications for Technical Assistance Grants to Preserve Affordable Rural Rental Housing
USDA is making available up to $3 million in technical assistance grants. Grant recipients will provide services to Multi-Family Housing (MFH) borrowers and applicants. These services will help facilitate the transfer of properties financed with USDA direct loans to non-profit organizations and public housing authorities. In addition, the funds may be used for such costs as financial analysis, capital needs assessments, appraisals, and other non-construction services that required as part of the transfer application process. Learn more.
USDA Expands Access to Four Key Loan Programs
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2021 – USDA Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small today announced the Department is expanding access to four loan guarantee programs that provide funding to help rural communities create jobs and improve local infrastructure. This expansion continues the Department’s regulatory reforms to make it easier for communities and lenders to access USDA funding. The OneRD Guarantee Loan Initiative reduced paperwork and adopted a common loan note guarantee application for the Water and Waste Disposal Loan Guarantee Program; the Community Facilities Guaranteed Loan Program; the Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program; and the Rural Energy for America Guaranteed Loan Program. See the full announcement.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
The USDA is accepting applications for up to $1.15 billion in loans and grants to help people in rural areas get access to high-speed internet. Application deadline: Feb. 22, 2022. Details here.
Is Your Community Ready for Electric Vehicles?

Watch the video and access the resources provided by UW Extension and the Center for Land Use Education at the UW-Stevens Point.

You can also learn more thanks to Vandewalle and Associates, Inc.'s new E-Book: “Electric Vehicles: Optimizing Their Impact in Your Community." Information here.
Sustainable Development Code Organization
Their mission is to “help all local governments build more resilient, environmentally conscious, economically secure, and socially equitable communities.   This organization has their own researchers and partners with other organizations ranging from law schools to the Audubon society. They catalog and link to example codes that local governments across the nation have implemented on their website.
Thanks to the Green Tier Legacy Communities for this information.
Environmental Resilience Institute Toolkit (ERIT)
ERIT helps local governments to prepare for climate change by providing information tailored to their communities. They provide case studies, funding tools, model laws all broken down by region on the ERIT website.
Thanks to the Green Tier Legacy Communities for this information.
Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC)
The AFDC provides information, data, and tools to help fleets and other transportation decision makers find ways to reach their energy and economic goals through the use of alternative and renewable fuels, advanced vehicles, and other fuel-saving measures.  More information can be found here.
Thanks to the Green Tier Legacy Communities for this information.
Community Tree Canopy Maps
Individual tree canopy maps can be found on the DNR website. The list of communities and counties with maps/links to maps is here. Or you can obtain a handout ready map by contacting your regional Urban Forestry Coordinator or connecting with the DNR's canopy assessment specialist Dan Buckler:

(Thanks to Brian Wahl, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator for this information. Brian presented at the Fountain City Small Community Forum on October 27.)
Local Government Leadership Academy

Enhance your leadership skills and gain tools to address issues impacting your local government. Explore and find solutions to generate results. Engage with other local government leaders to shape the future of your community.
The Local Government Leadership Academy began as a collaborative effort between the Wisconsin Counties Association, Leadership Wisconsin, and UW-Madison Division of Extension and serves
  • elected officials who understand the basics of their role and are ready to take on new leadership challenges.
  • department heads, directors and managers who are new to leadership roles, as well as those aspiring to or preparing for leadership roles.
  • anyone interested in becoming a more effective leader in local government.
The registration deadline is December 31, 2021. Details and Registration
Campaign: WalkSafe from United Heartland

In addition to the basic Campaign WalkSafe information, visit the Resource Library to find safety articles, eLearnings, printable PDFs, videos and other materials to help you reduce slips, trips and falls throughout the year.
Heads up! Scientists Needed - please share with anyone interested
UniverCity Alliance and Thriving Earth Exchange -- an American Geophysical Union program -- are partnering to connect Wisconsin communities with scientists and experts as they work to solve local challenges related to natural hazards, natural resources and climate change. A Wisconsin-based community science project cohort is expected to launch in April 2022. Opportunities for involvement include being a community lead, science fellow, scientist or expert. Wisconsin-based communities and volunteers who are interested can contact Gavin Luter, or 608-261-1141, to get involved! 
Subscribe now to the League's "Newish' Cybersecurity Newsletter.

One monthly in-depth issue and alerts as needed. 

Questions or suggestions? Contact the League's Robin Powers at email.
Leading for Racial Equity Series: From tolerance for diversity to deep systems change for equity in state and local government
Wednesday, January 5, 2021– 10:30 am to 12:00 noon, FREE.
Local Government Education - UW Extension
Tolerance of diversity isn’t enough, local governments need to intentionally be equitable and inclusive in order to better serve their communities. This often involves changing local government systems. Through this webinar, you will understand organizational change management frameworks, learn how to integrate transformative leadership throughout your organization, and analyze the complexities of diversity, inclusion and equity and its application at the organizational level. This session will be led by the nINA Collective, a multicultural group who bring decades of experience and expertise in systems change, equity and inclusion capacity building in local government.

WI Salt Awareness Week: January 24-28, 2022

Smart Salting for Parking Lots and Sidewalks
Feb. 3 - Virtual

Smart Salting for WI Roads
Feb. 10 - Virtual
by WI Saltwise

Wisconsin Public Utility Institute


Wisconsin Certified Public Manager® (CPM) program
Offered through Local Government Education, Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Leadership, Management and Workplace Skills Classes

Rural Business Development Grant Program
U.S. Department of Agriculture
This program is designed to provide grants to support technical assistance and training for small rural businesses. Small means that the business has fewer than 50 new workers and less than $1 million in gross revenue. Each year, Congress has mandated that a portion of this program is set-aside to fund projects that benefit members of federally recognized Tribes. Applications are due no later than 4:30 PM local time on February 28, 2022.

Arts Midwest is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 National Endowment for the Arts Big Read Program. 
·   What? The NEA Big Read is a community engagement opportunity with grants of up $20,000 for community-wide reading programs (in-person and/or virtual). Organizations can choose one of 15 available books. The majority of these selections are new to the NEA Big Read program! 
·   Who? Eligible organizations include arts organizations, humanities councils, community service organizations, institutions of higher education, libraries, literary centers, school districts, theater companies, museums, tribal governments, and more.
·   Why? Past grantees have a proven track record of successfully engaging their audiences through the power of literature and stirring up a passion for reading that persists year after year. They've also developed meaningful and lasting partnerships with other organizations in their community, and program participants have the opportunity to meaningfully connect in-person and/or virtually.
·   When? The deadline to apply is January 26, 2022.  

Community and nonprofit funding and grants, educational offerings, and key resources

The Very Popular Municipal Dam Grant Application period is OPEN! 
The 2021 Biennial Budget increased the Dam Safety Grant appropriation and provided $10 million for Dam Safety Grants. The Biennial Budget also changed the cost-share amount so that Grants now provide a cost-sharing opportunity for eligible engineering and construction costs for dam maintenance, repair, modification or abandonment and removal up to a maximum of $1,000,000.00. The DEADLINE IS MARCH 4TH, 2022.

Rental Assistance Funding
U.S. Treasury’s Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program makes funding available to assist households that are unable to pay rent or utilities. The funds are provided directly to grantees such as states, U.S. territories, local governments, and (in the case of the first round of funding) Indian tribes. Grantees use the funds to provide assistance to eligible households through existing or newly created rental assistance programs. To learn more about how to apply for emergency rental assistance in your state, please visit this link. Information in Spanish for renters can be found here, and information in Spanish for landlords can be found here

July 1 marked the opening of the DNR’s Urban Forestry 2022 Urban Forestry Grants application period.

The WiPERC Onroad Vehicle Data Collection Incentive Program is available through Dec. 31 for U.S. EPA-certified on-road vehicles purchased or converted to propane. 

DNR Surface Water Grant Funding
More than $6 million is available to provide cost-sharing grants to support projects in the following areas:
• Education, outreach and organization development
• Planning for protection and restoration
• Restoration of surface water and shorelands
• Management plan implementation
• Aquatic invasive species prevention & control

Download the grant application from the “Applying” tab. Fill out the sections labeled “pre-application” and submit it to by Sept. 2. This rough project outline and draft budget will help the DNR understand what you are looking to propose and help them provide technical assistance and feedback before the complete application is due on Nov. 1.

Innovation Matters Funding Opportunities, Publications, Events and Learning is the latest USDA Rural Development Newsletter. This issue includes the new Rural Community Toolkit which is a Tool to Increase Vaccine Confidence in Rural Areas.
Subscribe to the USDA newsletter.

Thanks to the Green Tier Legacy Communities staff at the WDNR for putting these lists together. Learn more about how your municipality can benefit from the popular and growing Green Tier program for local governments chartered by the League and others in 2010.

GTLC Funding Opportunities

Year-Round Opportunities
Other State/Federal Grants 

Additional Resources 

Questions? Contact Will Erikson | (608) 267-3763

Thanks to the Daniel Foth, Local Government Education Specialist at Local Government Education for this list.

•Federal Grants – Grants.Gov -
•State of Wisconsin Grants – DOA -
•The Foundation Center,
•Research Libraries - Funding Information Network locations,
•Madison Community Foundation,
•The Community Tool Box,
•The Wisconsin Philanthropy Network,
•Council on Foundations,
•Chronicle of Philanthropy,
•Inside Philanthropy,
•Local Government Center,