League Submits Comments on DNR's Draft Economic Impact Analysis of Proposed Drinking Water PFAS Standards

Last week, the League submitted written comments on DNR's draft Economic Impact Analysis of the proposed new drinking water maximum contaminant levels for PFOA and PFOS.

Read the League's comments here.

DOT Webinar this Wednesday on Applying for LRIP Dollars

A new program cycle for the Local Roads Improvement Program (LRIP) is set to begin this fall. With the program being fully functional within DOT's online Enhanced LRIPWeb application process, WisDOT Local Programs & Finance invites all LRIPWeb users to an informational webinar. The webinar will introduce and demonstrate steps to apply for a new LRIP project and provide resources on how to fully use the Enhanced LRIPWeb application in the upcoming program cycle.
This is the second in a series of webinars on the utilization of the Enhanced LRIPWeb application.
User of LRIPWeb are invited to participate in this webinar on Wednesday, August 4, 2021, beginning at 10 a.m. The webinar will last approximately 1 hour. Following the presentation, time will be available for Q&A.
Access the webinar via this YouTube weblink: https://youtu.be/YCbFcEl3prY
If you have any questions relative to the enhanced LRIPWeb application or the upcoming webinar, please contact:
Patrick B. Vander Sanden
Statewide Local Program Manager
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
608-266-0775   [email protected]

PSC Receives 240 Applications for Broadband Grants

The Public Service Commission announced it has received an estimated 240 applications requesting more than $420 million for the first round of ARPA grants made available for broadband. The PSC is expected to award $100 million in the fall of 2021. The 2021-23 state budget will provide an addition $129 million over the next two years; details will be announced in the coming weeks.

More than $1.3 billion in Shared Revenue and ERP Payments Distributed

The Department of Revenue announced last week that it had distributed more than $1.3 billion in shared revenue, expenditure restraint and property tax credit payments to counties, municipalities, school districts, technical colleges, and special districts. This is the first distribution for FY2022. The distributions include:

  1. First Dollar Credit - $147,531,999
  2. County-Municipal Aid - $112,961,357
  3. Utility Aid - $11,496,490
  4. Expenditure Restraint - $59,311,699
  5. School Levy Tax Credit - $939,999,999
  6. Video Service Provider Aid - $10,000,000
  7. Exempt Computer Aid - $98,047,058

ARPA Dollars for Vaccine Initiatives

As we continue to struggle with the coronavirus and new variants, please keep in mind that under the Interim Final Rule, recipients may use American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency, including expenses related to COVID-19 vaccination programs. Programs that provide incentives reasonably expected to increase the number of people who choose to get vaccinated, or that motivate people to get vaccinated, are an allowable use of funds so long as such costs are reasonably proportional to the expected public health benefit. If your community is thinking about increased public education campaigns, vaccination clinics or other related efforts and/or incentives please see pages 4, 5, and 8 of the Treasury FAQs for more information.