Learn, Innovate, Excel! Our goal with this newsletter is to provide useful information and tips that will help you save time, be more productive, and also reduce risk. This information complements our SE University program, by introducing you to tips on a wide variety of topics affecting structural engineers.
If you have any tips you would like to share as part of a future
Learn, Innovate, Excel newsletter, please email
Lisa Willard or
Brian Quinn.
One of the most frequently
 misunderstood statements in the AISC Commentary is about to get a facelift. Perhaps you have been under the impression that the Code requires a minimum of 25% for partial composite action? Or did you believe that the Commentary suggested a minimum of 50% composite action? Because of the confusion around the wording in the Commentary, structural engineers have been left to interpret for themselves what was intended by the AISC Committee.
In the AISC 2016 Specification, new language will be included to remedy the confusion and replace the implied recommendations that were in previous versions of the Commentary.
In the October 2016 SE University session,
Advanced Topics in Composite Steel Beam Design
, Susan Burmeister, PE, from S2B Consulting Engineers, PLLC, reviewed the upcoming requirements in the Specification and and helped clarify what was intended by the Committee when designing for partial composite action. She referenced a past article in the
March 2016 Modern Steel Construction Steel Interchange
where she briefly addresses the current recommendations and implications in the Commentary
read the full article and access a short video at our SE University blog.
Have you recently had a project where an architect insisted on running ductwork through the slab at an inconvenient location for your composite steel beam? Perhaps you have a building that is changing occupancy and you need to determine the absolute maximum composite strength available in an existing beam section with a new slab opening being added? Slab penetrations can be negligent when small and placed appropriately; however, engineers do not always have the luxury of ideal placements for MEP systems or various architectural features that may interfere with the structural system.
In the October 2016 session of SE University,
Advanced Topics in Composite Steel Beam Design: Retrofit, Slab Openings, and Changes to Minimum Percent Composite
, Susan Burmeister, PE, from S2B Structural Consultants, PLLC, reviewed three procedures that can be used to determine the maximum available capacity for a composite steel beam when slab penetrations are nearby. The three procedures include using a standard effective flange profile per AISC I3.1a, the Interval or Step Method, and the Wiesner Method
read the full article and access these useful tools on our SE University blog.
Roger LaBoube, PE Missouri University of Science & Technology |
SE University began the SEU Speaker Inspires program in 2015 as a way to "pay it forward," enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.
In September 2016, Roger LaBoube, PE, from Missouri University of Science & Technology, gave a talk on
Design Aids and Design Examples for Cold-Formed Steel. He chose the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (
http://www.lls.org/) for the
SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.
Roger shared his story about why he chose the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: "On June 7, 2003, our daughter Jennifer married Russ. The wedding was a wonderful family event and Karen and I were both extremely happy for Jennifer and Russ. Four short months later, Russ was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 4B. After 10 months of treatments, Russ' Hodgkins was forced into remission. Obviously, Karen and I were elated to learn of this news. However, in June 2005, Russ was diagnosed with leukemia. Following more chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant, the leukemia is now in remission. I chose to support LLS to honor both Russ and Jennifer for their fighting spirit and to help others who are also fighting so hard to defeat their cancer. Our family has benefited first hand from both the research and the patient services of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society."
Scott Nacheman, MSc.Eng., AIA DeSimone Consulting Engineers |
In November 2016, Scott Nacheman, MSc.Eng., AIA, from DeSimone Consulting Engineers, gave a talk on
The Indiana State Fair Collapse Incident. He chose the United Service Organizations (
http://www.uso.org/) for the
SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.
Scott shared why he chose the USO: "I am involved with several organizations that support our men and women in uniform and feel that in today's world of uncertainty the USO provides some much needed support and 'gap filling' for our nation's protectors. The men and women of the United States Armed Forces have made significant sacrifices in order to protect our way of life domestically and abroad. The USO provides support and assistance to these brave individuals in order to make their deployments a little easier, and assists them in maintaining communication with loved ones back in the States."
Thank you, Roger and Scott, for helping structural engineers with your SE University sessions, and for your designations of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and United Service Organizations as
SEU Speaker Inspires
SE University is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.
The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) has awarded accreditation status to SE Solutions, LLC (Parent company of the SE University program). IACET Accredited Providers are the only organizations approved to offer IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
In preparation for the end of the year, we'd like to remind you that upcoming SE University sessions can be used to help you meet your continuing education requirements. If additional hours are needed, please contact Lisa Willard to discuss how we can help you.
ALL engineers in the following states have license renewals
on December 31st:
North Carolina
SOME engineers in the following states have license renewals
on December 31st:
New Mexico
North Dakota
*These states do not have continuing education requirements.
In addition to the states listed above, there are other states that may require renewal based on your initial date of licensure or other rules for that state. Please check your license information to confirm your renewal dates.
For more information about license renewal, please visit our Continuing Education Requirements by State page, where you can click on states in which you are licensed to see the license renewal date, as well as the continuing education requirements for that state. If you would like a complete summary of all 50 states, a PDF file is available for download below the map. This option can also be selected if you are viewing the page from a mobile device.
We hope that you find this information beneficial. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Willard.
It's an exciting few weeks coming up for SE University - join us for the following sessions:
On November 30th, we will be presenting our first SEU Lunch & Learn Session, when we welcome Carlos de Oliveira, P.Eng., from Cast Connex Corporation, for a session on
Structural Applications for Steel Castings. This session will be held from 12:30 - 2:00 pm EST.
On December 7th, Betsy Werra from E.L.Werra Corporation will return to present the SEU BIM Forum session which was rescheduled from October.
Tips & Tricks in Revit Structure - Enhancements in Revit Structure 2017 will be presented from 12:30 - 1:30 pm EST.
Handouts and registration emails for this session will be sent to SE University companies on Friday, December 2nd.
On December 14th, we will be welcoming Kimberley Robinson, PE, SE, from Sun Steel Inc., to present
Structural Irregularities per the ASCE7 Seismic Design Requirements
. This session will be held from 12:30 - 2:00 pm EST.
Handouts and registration emails for this session will be sent to SE University companies on Friday, December 9th.
Thank you for reading our
Learn, Innovate, Excel Newsletter - we hope you found this information useful. If there are any questions we can answer, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.
Additionally, if you would be willing to help other structural engineers by sharing tips that you have, please email your tip to
Tips@LearnWithSEU.com. If we choose your tip to publish, you will have your choice of a $50 Amazon gift card or a $50 donation sent to the Structural Engineering Association of your choice.
Your SE University Team
Brian Quinn, P.E. Brian.Quinn@LearnWithSEU.com Lisa Willard, P.E. Lisa.Willard@LearnWithSEU.com Jenny Schultz, P.E. (inactive) Jenny.Schultz@LearnWithSEU.com Cathleen Jacinto, S.E., P.E. Cathleen.Jacinto@LearnWithSEU.com Linda Benson Linda.Benson@LearnWithSEU.com |
Would you like to read previous Learn, Innovate, Excel Newsletters? Visit our
Newsletter Archives
to select from previous topics.
Coming Soon to SE University
November 30, 2016
Structural Applications for Steel Castings
Carlos de Oliviera, M.A.Sc., P. Eng.
Cast Connex Corporation
December 7, 2016
SEU BIM Forum: Tips and Tricks in Revit Structure - Enhancements in Revit Structure 2017
Betsy Werra
E.L.Werra Consulting, LLC
December 14, 2016
Structural Irregularities per the ASCE7 Design Requirements
Kimberley Robinson, PE, SE
Sun Steel Inc.
January 11, 2016
SE University Ethics Session: Case Study on KC Hyatt
Matthew Rechtien
Bodman Law, PLC
February 8, 2016
Welding Myths that Structural Engineers Need to Know About
Duane Miller, PE
The Lincoln Electric Company
For updated session descriptions and schedules, visit the SCHEDULE page.