Learn, Innovate, Excel! O
ur goal with this newsletter is to provide useful information and tips that will help you save time, be more productive, and also reduce risk. This information complements our SE University program, by introducing you to tips on a wide variety of topics affecting structural engineers.
If you have any tips you would like to share as part of a future
Learn, Innovate, Excel newsletter, please email
Lisa Willard or
Brian Quinn.
During this time of social distancing and with many people working from home, SE University remains available to its clients to earn their PDHs whenever it fits your schedule!
Want to wake up early and watch a session before everyone else starts their day? Watch a session during your lunch and earn PDHs to advance your skills? Wait until after everyone has stopped streaming Netflix and you have the WiFi all to yourself? All of those options are possible with SE University.
Our clients can access their SEU Resource Center account at any time and watch previously recorded sessions to earn their PDHs. No need to wait for live sessions, use this time wisely ... Start earning NOW!
 Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is gaining in popularity, especially in designs for industrial slabs on grade. Steel fibers can add strength and increase fatigue resistance, impact resistance, and crack control which make it ideal for large scale slabs where the use of welded wire fabric can be eliminated. The addition of steel fibers may be an economical option, but if you've never used them, you might wonder what is the best method to properly specify SFRC?
In the February 2020 SE University session, Claire Gandee, from Bekaert, presented
Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Claire reviewed the basics of SFRC and covered the applicable code references for design. She also covered the design approaches typically used for SFRC and made practical recommendations for specifying and for the placement/finishing of SFRC. Claire explained the benefits of using SFRC, including possible economic savings.
Claire shared the critical information that should be included when specifying SFRC. However, it is most important to be sure the contractor and others on the project can readily find the information, and this is best achieved by including it in the specs within the 03 33 00 Cast In Place Reinforcing or alternately within the 03 24 00 Fibrous Reinforcing, including a reference in the 03 33 00 section to be sure it is not missed by the contractor. ASTM C1116 is a standard specification for Fiber Reinforced Concrete which can be referenced in supplement to performance and material properties of the steel fibers utilized in a project...
read the full article on our SE University blog.
 Building design is becoming more integrated in the modern age. More and more structural designs include proprietary products and delegated design professionals in order to speed up construction schedules. How does this affect the Engineer of Record?
During the January 2020 SE University session
Delegated Design: Addressing Potential Risks with Proper Project Management, Doug Allen, PE, from Simpson Strong-Tie, reviewed the complications that arise with delegated design and deferred submittals. He also covered potential ethical, monetary, and legal consequences of poor project management.
Doug offered a helpful outline, as shown below, of common issues that have been found on projects with prefabricated wood trusses. Although the list is specifically addressed for projects with prefabricated wood trusses, many of the communication issues displayed can be extrapolated to other delegated design jobs as well.
On projects where part of the design is delegated, it is critically important for the EOR to clearly outline the extent of the design and complete design and performance criteria for the delegated designer. While the EOR retains responsibility for the structural system as a whole, the delegated designer must comply with the requirements within the structural documents, including required submittals. Many times, these deferred submittals create opportunities for miscommunication...
read the full article on our SE University blog.
SE University / SE Solutions is pleased to support Project C.U.R.E. and their efforts in collecting and donating all of their available medical supplies to combat the Covid-19 crisis throughout America and globally.
Project C.U.R.E. identifies, solicits, collects, sorts and distributes medical supplies and services according to the imperative needs of the world. In response to COVID-19, Project C.U.R.E. is making their resources available to hospitals and first responders throughout the United States. They are donating all of their masks, gloves, PPE's and other items needed to fight COVID-19 to these heroes. One hundred percent of the items that individuals and companies give to the local fight against COVID-19 will be given to the brave men and women on the front lines of this fight in our communities here in the U.S.
As we finish the first quarter of 2020, we'd like to remind you that upcoming SE University sessions can be used to help you meet your continuing education requirements - start earning hours now to avoid the last minute rush (of course, if you find yourself needing last minute hours, we can help with recorded sessions from our
SE University Session Archives)
States with license renewals for all engineers on April 30th:
Hawaii (No continuing education required) |
New Jersey |
States with license renewals for some engineers by April 30th :
Kansas (April 30th) |
Louisiana (March 31st) |
In addition to the states listed above, there are other states that may require renewal based on your initial date of licensure or other rules for that state. Please check your license information to confirm your renewal dates.
For more information about license renewal, please visit our Continuing Education Requirements by State page, where you can click on states in which you are licensed to see the license renewal date, as well as the continuing education requirements for that state. If you would like a complete summary of all 50 states, a PDF file is available for download below the map. This option can also be selected if you are viewing the page from a mobile device.
We hope that you find this information beneficial. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Willard.
On April 8th
, Sam Rubenzer, PE, SE, from FORSE Consulting, will present Masonry Checklists: Reviewing Structural Drawings
for SE University
. This session will be held from 12:30 - 2:00 pm EDT.
Handouts and registration emails for this session will be sent to SE University companies on Friday, April 3rd.
On May 13th
, Allen Adams, PE, SE, from Bentley Systems, will present a session about Diaphragms
for SE University
. This session will be held from 12:30 - 2:00 pm EDT.
Handouts and registration emails for this session will be sent to SE University companies on Friday, May 8th.
Thank you for reading our
Learn, Innovate, Excel Newsletter - we hope you found this information useful. If there are any questions we can answer, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.
Additionally, if you would be willing to help other structural engineers by sharing tips that you have, please email your tip to
Tips@LearnWithSEU.com. If we choose your tip to publish, you will have your choice of a $50 Amazon gift card or a $50 donation sent to the Structural Engineering Association of your choice.
Your SE University Team
Brian Quinn, P.E. Brian.Quinn@LearnWithSEU.com Lisa Willard, P.E. Lisa.Willard@LearnWithSEU.com Jenny Schultz, P.E. Jenny.Schultz@LearnWithSEU.com Cathleen Jacinto, S.E., P.E. Cathleen.Jacinto@LearnWithSEU.com Linda Benson Linda.Benson@LearnWithSEU.com |
Would you like to read previous Learn, Innovate, Excel Newsletters? Visit our
Newsletter Archives
to select from previous topics.
Coming Soon to SE University
Masonry Checklists: Reviewing Structural Drawings
Sam Rubenzer, PE, SE
FORSE Consulting
May 13, 2020
Topic: Diaphragms
Allen Adams, PE, SE
Bentley Systems
June 10, 2020
Steel Framed Floor Design for Vibration Sensitive Equipment
Brad Davis, PhD, PE, SE
Davis Structural Engineering, LLC
July 8, 2020
What Your Fabricator Wishes You Knew About HSS
Kim Olsen, PE
Steel Tube Institute
For updated session descriptions and schedules, visit the SCHEDULE page.