Learn About Our Learners

When you think of “adult learner”, who comes to mind?

Literacy DuPage works with adult learners from all walks of life in DuPage County. Each individual is unique, and we are proud of our diverse community. We have compiled a breakdown of demographic information, so that you can learn more about the wonderful community of adult learners that Literacy DuPage serves.

A tutor not only learns about another individual, but also another culture. We encourage you to learn with us!

Bobbi Burgstone

Executive Director


Countries of Origin

The 200 adult learners in our program throughout this fiscal year relocated to the United States from 47 different countries. Listed above, find the 10 countries from which many of our learners originate (noted by the orange pins). The green pins on the map indicate many of the other countries from which our learners came.

Native Languages

Listed above are the 33 unique languages that our learners speak.

The table to the right depicts the 10 native languages that are most spoken by our students.

Education Levels

60% of Literacy DuPage's adult learners have some post-secondary education.

However, many non-English speakers who immigrate to the United States are unable to find careers in their fields, due to their lack of English. Thus, opportunities to find higher paying careers in fields such as engineering, medicine, or business are more limited, despite the years of professional experience many learners possess.

Tutors with Literacy DuPage not only work with their adult learner to develop and strengthen their English, but also help them work toward their professional goals.

Income Levels

119 of Literacy DuPage's adult learners are make "Extremely Low Income", which is 60% of our learners. This means that in this category a household of 1 receives $0-19,500 and a family of 8+ earns $0-36,000.

If you consider the breakdown of our adult learners' education levels, of which 60% hold some post-secondary education, learning English is often the key to returning to their professional fields and potentially increasing their income.

Literacy Matters

Each Literacy DuPage learner brings a unique blend of culture, language, experience, and variety of skills to their tutor sessions . . . and to DuPage County.

Register for a Meet & Greet today to learn more about how you can become a literacy tutor, and in turn, build wonderful relationships with international neighbors in our community.

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Literacy DuPage | 630-488-4111 | www.literacydupage.org