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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 11, Issue 2 (November 12/15)
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Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

Hamilton Labour Force Snapshot, October 2015 Highlights
smiling_lady_worker.jpg Highlights from the most recent Hamilton Labour Force Snapshot indicate that:

Hamilton CMA's unemployment rate is 5.3% and Ontario's is 6.8%

Hamilton CMA's unemployment rate ranks 6th out of 34 CMAs

Jobs in manufacturing continue to rise and saw an increase of 18% from October 2014.

Closing the Soft Skills Gap in Hamilton: Information for Employment Service Providers and Employers

Workforce Planning Hamilton's Hire Learning Survey 2015 found that effective soft skills such as work ethic, communication and self-motivation for future and present employees ranked higher with local employers than technical skills.

In light of this research WPH embarked on a soft skills research project.
Closing the Soft Skills Gap is a free event featuring Dr. John-Paul Hatala, Flowork International, highlighting key findings from his recent report, Soft Skills Development: Improving Organizational Effectiveness.

The afternoon will include sharing local and provincial best practices and the planning of future community strategies and activities to improve soft skills in job seekers.
Recent Developments in the Canadian Economy: Fall 2015

Wondering about changes in employment, household demand, international trade and prices in Canada? This report shares recent developments in the Canadian economy, highlighting major changes during the first two quarters of 2015 and into the summer months.

Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777



Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca