Thursday, June 15, 2017
Dear Marine parents,

The mission of, Inc., is to provide support, information, and services to Marines and their family members, and create opportunities for the public to support our troops through the organization's outreach programs.

June is Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) Awareness Month, and we are hoping to educate those who do not understand this disorder. W e can connect you with professional experts in the field, provide free reading materials, and facilitate the ability of veterans to connect with, and help, their fellow veteransYou can read about the different ways to get help and resources in our first article. 

In this newsletter, meet a volunteer and a Team Marine Parents participant, learn  about the different types of power of attorney as well as how MOS schools can get log jammed.  

God bless and Semper Fi!

Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS)

For active duty troops and veterans living with combat operational stress (COS) and/or post-traumatic stress (PTS), we can connect you with professional experts in the field, provide free reading materials, and facilitate the ability of veterans to connect with, and help, their fellow veterans.

Click to continue reading. 

Featured TMP Participant:
Astrid Arostegui

Team Marine Parents (TMP) is a group of individuals, generally parents, family and friends of Marines, who participate in athletic events nationwide to support our troops. The mission is to raise funds and awareness of the organization's outreach programs.

Our featured TMP participant this week is Astrid Arostegui. Astrid found that running in support of the Marines made the challenge of the journey much easier. She will be participating in the upcoming Boot Camp Challenge in San Diego, CA in October. 

Click here to donate and learn more.

Featured Volunteer 
Joan Mobley

Recruit Parents Facebook Groups Volunteer, Joan volunteers as a Group Guide for Kilo Company-- MCRD San Diego, where she works with Company Leader Shannon P. to acclimate, educate, and support the family members of the new Kilo recruits as they take the roller coaster ride that is boot camp.

Click here to continue reading.

Power of Attorney (POA)

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a document in which you appoint someone else to act on your behalf on matters that you specify. A POA can be made to start immediately, or upon mental incapacity and the authority granted in a POA ceases at the death of the person granting the power.

WAB: MOS School Logjam

Each new school a Marine checks into brings emotions of excitement as well as fear. At times it seems like a Marines career is moving at a fast pace, and then all of a sudden it comes to a halt. This can be frustrating for everyone involved, but there are reasons for why it happens., Inc.
14 Years of Service