John and Lee Lamson were instrumental in the founding of RAIN. John became a Department of State management officer assigned to posts in Nigeria, France, Belgium, Niger and Latvia, as well as Washington, D.C., for 21 years before retiring and returning to the Seacoast. 

While serving in Niger, Lee and John hosted their friend Bess Palmisciano, who was so struck by the needs of the people of Niger that she asked Nigeriens how she could help. RAIN was the result. John and Lee have been involved with RAIN in many ways ever since, from serving on the board to helping raise funds or consulting on programs. 

Join us for an incredible celebration of RAIN, Niger, and Lee & John's decades of service!

Hosted by RAIN Dance Chairs Barbara & Ivor Freeman

We're excited to announce that Barbara and Ivor Freeman will be hosting RAIN Dance with us!

The Freemans have been engaged supporters and strategic partners of RAIN since 2008. We're thrilled to have them joining us this year at the event!




Reserve Your Spot- Get Your Tickets Today!
Become an Event Sponsor- Includes 2-6 tickets!
Donate in honor of the Lamsons' years of leadership!

Love the Lamsons and want to do even more?

Email us to volunteer to help plan and run RAIN Dance 2024.

Thank you to our Early Bird Sponsors!

Northeast Delta Dental

Cornerstone Financial Planning

Kennebunk Savings Bank

Alison "Sunny" Coady

Michele Lettiere

There's still time to join them as a RAIN Dance sponsor!

Reply to this email with questions about tickets,

sponsorships, donations, or how to get involved in the event.

All are welcome at our celebration. If you want to join us and cost is an issue, please respond to this email or reach out to Katherine at [email protected]

As we get closer to the event, we will share updates via email and on our website for more information about the event.

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Rain for the Sahel and Sahara | [email protected] | 603-371-0676