December 6, 2023


Understanding PBIS

You may have read a social media post this week commending our talented PBIS expert, Natalie Gunderson, for securing her THIRD Gold Award from the state of Ohio. Her pursuit of PBIS, or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, is setting the bar for our district, our community, and the entire state educational system. However, many people may not be familiar with PBIS and the role it plays in our students' lives.

Far from a new concept, PBIS, at its core, is about positive reinforcement. Not unlike the Pavlovian method of learning developed in the 1890s by Ivan Pavlov, a physiologist, PBIS is an evidence-based framework that schools can use to create a safe and positive learning environment for all students. It focuses on identifying, teaching, and reinforcing positive behaviors in students and using proactive strategies to address problematic behaviors. The objective of PBIS is to improve outcomes—social, emotional, and academic—for every student, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups. 

According to the National Education Association, PBIS focuses on prevention rather than punishment by creating a behavior system that teaches desired behaviors by recognizing and honoring those behaviors when they are exhibited. The PBIS framework helps students by focusing on their strengths and building on their confidence to succeed.

Even better news for parents and guardians is that research proves continuing the PBIS framework at home can improve behaviors and relationships between adults and children, as well as strengthen bonds.

PBIS at Home

The impact of PBIS is increased when it is consistent with the PBIS process at school. The steps for establishing a positive, consistent home environment include:

  • Defining the behavior routines
  • Teaching the behavior
  • Practicing the behavior
  • Reinforcing success
  • Interrupting/redirecting unwanted behavior
  • Responding to behavior

When adults identify, teach, model and reinforce wanted behavior children are more likely to become respectful, responsible and safe. Learn how to get started at

REMINDER: All schools will be on holiday break beginning December 21st.

Classes will resume January 2nd.

What's Happening in Our Schools

Medill Elementary

Veterans of all ages were honored at the school for a Veterans Day breakfast. In addition to the celebration, students raised $300 to give to 4 PAWS for Ability which places more than ten types of service dogs with children, adults and veterans with disabilities.

Gorsuch West Elementary

Thanks to a grant awarded by the Lancaster Public Education Foundation, our students are thriving with new Osmos Learning Kits and tablets funded by the grant! The interactive and engaging learning experiences have captivated our students' interests, fostering a connection between classroom instruction and educational games.

Tarhe Trails Elementary

Students in Ms. Young’s class made dozens and dozens of red poppies after reading The Poppy Lady: Moina Belle Michael and Her Tribute to Veterans. It is the story of a teacher from Georgia who established the red poppy as a symbol to honor and remember soldiers. They also used these poppies for their Veteran’s Day program.

Tallmadge Elementary

Kindergarten students had a delicious lesson on the phases of the moon recently. Utilizing sandwich cookies, students recreated the phases as they tackled the subject of astronomy.

Mt. Pleasant Elementary

Pick a club, ANY club! The Leadership Club project invites students to participate in a variety of interesting clubs - Origami, Puzzle, Spanish, Math, Art, Dance, Crafts, Yoga, and more! Crating well-rounded, engaged students results in fulfillment for everyone!

General Sherman Junior High

The toymakers up north are not the only ones busy at their workbenches this time of year! Students in the shop class at Sherman are creating projects that are making spirits bright!

Thomas Ewing Junior High

Builders Club students and families donated items for gift bags to be handed out to community members in need. Items collected were Chapstick, travel-size lotions, tissues, warm socks, and Christmas candy. Builders Club members were able to create 125 gift bags! The Builders Club members enjoyed putting the gift bags together and making a craft to thank 50 Charity Newsie volunteers.

Lancaster High School

Lancaster High School honored their veterans in November. They were treated to some breakfast coupled with some great conversations and fellowship. Thank you to our vets!

Tony Albertini-Army Airborne Division

Trent Ball-Marines

Matt Buckalew-Marines

Brian Griffin-Army National Guard

James Hopper-Marines

Jeff Lewis-Army

Tom Milbaugh-Navy

Andy Phillips-Navy Seabees

Graham Roan-Marines

Samantha Santiny-Coast Guard


Pictured is Garrote Bowe, a preschooler, and his brother, Trey Kemerer, a junior at Lancaster High School and LCS Preschool alum. Garrote invited Trey into the classroom to be a guest reader at Sanderson Preschool. Brothers who read together are awesome!


The Bridges Program hosted a VIP event where each student was allowed to invite a "Very Important Person" of his/her choice. They also enjoyed donuts and juice donated by the Bridges Ministries Church in Lancaster. 


Great News! 45 LHS Seniors have been accepted into the Workforce Center Pre-Apprenticeship programs. The majority of them start in January!

Follow Us!

Make sure you are following your child's individual school on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the latest news!

Lancaster City Schools

Lancaster High School

Thomas Ewing Jr. High

General Sherman Jr. High

Gorsuch West Elementary School

Medill Elementary

Mt. Pleasant Elementary School

Tallmadge Elementary

Tarhe Trails Elementary


Contact Info:

Nathan Hale



Jeromey Sheets, Ed.D.Director of Elementary Education
Director of Student Services
Coordinator of Human Resources

Sarah Daugherty

Supervisor of District Technology Services


Kristin Vandermark

Transportation Supervisor


Food Service Supervisor

Casey Rainier





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