Quarterly E-News from MADRC - Summer 2024

MADRC Registry Launched

Do you want to help advance brain science? Join the MADRC Registry - a listing of people interested in advancing brain science who want to be contacted when a research study might be right for them. 

The purpose of the MADRC registry is to help connect people interested in research studies with researchers. When you join the MADRC registry, you agree to be contacted about future research opportunities that advance our knowledge and understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related dementia (ADRD). ADRD research comes in many types and sizes and includes studies on new drugs, prevention methods, brain imaging, screening, caregiving, and more. The registry will include both people diagnosed with ADRD (such as Alzheimer's disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment) and also include those without any of these conditions, but who want to participate in ADRD research because of their desire to make a difference or because someone they care about has had ADRD and they want to participate in their honor.

The registry will support research at Mass General Brigham and help the MADRC Outreach, Recruitment & Engagement team to:

  1. Better determine who qualifies for different studies.
  2. Guide participants to studies that match their interests.
  3. Measure how well different recruitment methods work to match people with suitable studies more effectively

All information in the registry is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. Enrollment is voluntary and participants can stop at any time. Learn more about the registry here: bit.ly/RegistryMADRC

Donanemab Gets FDA Approval

Last month the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved donanemab (Kisunla), for the treatment of early stages of Alzheimer disease. Donanemab is a monoclonal antibody that targets beta-amyloid, one of the abnormal proteins in Alzheimer disease, for removal from the brain. It is administrated intravenously every 4 weeks for 18 months, although it can be discontinued prior to 18 months once amyloid is successfully cleared from the brain. In a recently published clinical trial, donanemab was shown to reduce the progression of cognitive decline and maintain independence in everyday activities.  Click to review publication of trial data. 


Donanemab joins lecanemab (Leqembi) as the 2nd FDA-approved anti-amyloid antibody treatment approved for Alzheimer disease in the past year. Although the medications have a similar mechanism of action, there are advantages and disadvantages to each.

For more information, click here.

Research Opportunities

Currently there are several MADRC-affiliated studies seeking participants with mild Alzheimer’s disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). To learn more about the open and enrolling studies, visit: madrc.org/join-a-study/


Once on the Join a Study page you will find studies categorized by diagnosis. Each diagnosis category will then have a dropdown menu of available studies and related contact information. 

Learn the Latest on Treatments

There have been many updates in the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease recently. Join us in September for the latest information at our Talk With the Doc(tor) Series. 


Spotted at AAIC

This week, people from around the world are in Philadelphia for the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), discussing the latest findings in dementia research. 


Several folks are representing MADRC, including Outreach, Recruitment & Engagement team member Dr. Jin Joo, who caught up with our amazing Research Ambassadors Joe, Angie & Dennis! The trio is providing valuable feedback from the study participants' perspectives. 

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