The Red Glasses Movement
January Organization Spotlight
This month we are highlighting the Red Glasses Movement, a local non-profit that aims to encourage you to "Live boldly. Love big. Pass it on." This simple, impactful motto was inspired by a special girl, Audrey Jandernoa.
Who Was Audrey Jandernoa?
Pass It On Promise Program
Please consider helping us further spread this message throughout the Grand Rapids community. The Red Glasses Movement's Pass It On Promise Program provides funding assistance for schools and organizations to help purchase Red Glasses to share within their schools/organizations and beyond.

During the month of January, SHARPE will match up to $4,000 for every dollar donated to the program using the link below.
How Sharpe Is Celebrating
We have been challenged to put on our red glasses and view the world from Audrey's perspective. We have bought a pair of red glasses for all of our employees to remind them to "Live boldly. Love big. Pass it on." We invite you to purchase your pair of red glasses to help spread this message.
Thank You!
Thank you for your support. We recognize that we would not be able to give back to the Grand Rapids community without the continuous support from our past, current, and prospective clients. As we continue to celebrate our 40th Year Anniversary, stay updated on our latest events and happenings by following us on social media or visiting us online.