Would you like to know what assignments experienced biblical counselors use the most and how they use them?
Thursday morning, December 9 at 10 am
Thursday evening, December 9 at 8 pm
Making the in-between session times profitable, biblical, practical and vertical is essential to facilitating biblical change. Come add tools to your tool belt.
God’s promise of growth awaits faith’s call to labor. The result is transforming hope-work.
• In all labor there is profit, but mere talk leads to poverty. Proverbs 14:23
• Work out your salvation... for God is working in you to will and to act. Philippians 2:12,13
• Do not merely be a hearer of the word but an effectual doer...who is blessed in whatever he does. James 1:22-24
We hope to see you at this month's Biblical Counselor Network meeting.
Receive practical tools, biblical insights and connect with other like-minded counselors.
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