Your Attachments & Your Walk with Jesus Workshop on Thursday, January 30. Learn how attachment theory (how we connect to others based on early life influences) impacts our fellowship with Jesus and others. Join us with Doug Burford, minister and licensed counselor, at 6:30 PM in Room 204. Learn your attachment style here... Sign up here... | |
The Financial Peace University class scheduled to start on Thursday, January 30 is canceled and will be rescheduled for a future date. | |
One of our mission partners has asked for urgent help. With the loss of funding from the United States Refugee Admissions Program, 22 families legally placed in the Kansas City area are at risk of losing food and shelter during their initial 90-day transition period. The Hillcrest Governance Board has decided to support Mission Adelante (MA) with a gift of $25,000 from the proceeds of the Birch House sale to help with their shortfall. Hillcrest's gift will allow Mission Adelante, a 20+ year mission partner, to continue their important work. Read MORE ABOUT THE NEED HERE. | |
Mission Adelante is hosting a Prayer Service this Thursday, January 30 in the Hillcrest Chapel at 6:30 PM. If you would like to gather with others to pray for these new American neighbors. See here for Facebook event and sign in for details. | | |
Our exploration of John continues this Sunday, February 2 | Join us for worship and the next message in this section from Nate Powell in John 13:18-38 where Jesus is betrayed and denied. We will also receive communion together. See you at 9 or 10:45 AM in person or online here... | |
Serve Team Refuel Night is Sunday, February 2 at 6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall | Join us for an evening to refresh and recharge as you serve. We'll celebrate our teams, share encouragement, and refocus for the year ahead to keep running the race well! Sign up here... | |
See what's new at Hillcrest below or here... | |
Help replenish T.A.G. Bags! Our shelves are bare! Watch this video for how you can pick up a bag, fill with suggested grocery items, and return to our shelves for people to take and give to those with food insecurity. More here... | | |
Welcoming the Stranger starts February 5 | We'll explore a biblical approach to immigration through lecture, story, multi-media and discussion led by Jarrett Meek, director of Mission Adelante. Share and invite others to these four Wednesdays in February at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary. *Sign up for childcare for birth to 5th grade here... | |
Serve at Adelante Thrift on Saturday, February 8 | Join other Hillcresters from 10 AM to noon to sort clothes and household items or do light cleaning. Build relationships while impacting a community. Proceeds from the store support Mission Adelante, one of our mission partners. See here for more. Sign up for February 8 or future dates here... | |
Good Neighbor Team-5 levels of serving! Hillcrest partnered with Mission Adelante to form a Good Neighbor Team which supports new families settling in our communities by setting up apartments, helping with transportation, or donating items. See here to sign up to learn more and RSVP for a February 16 lunch interest meeting at Hillcrest. | |
Help welcome families in the Mission Adelante Refugee Resettlement program by donating items for Kids' Kits or Hygiene Kits. Our goal is to fill 40 of each type of kit by February 27 and assemble them on February 28. See here to indicate what you will purchase and bring to the sanctuary lobby by February 27. See more about local outreach here... | |
Infant Baptism (9 AM) and Dedication (10:45 AM) on Sunday, February 9 | At Hillcrest we practice both infant baptism and infant dedication. We honor both beliefs and practices, and we would love to talk to you more about why this is an important foundational step in the life of your child. Indicate your interest in learning more here... | |
Hymn Sing on Wednesday, February 12 at 6:30 PM | Join us in the sanctuary to sing some of the favorite hymns of our faith. Everyone is welcome! The Worship Team is looking for musicians and singers who are gifted in leading others into the presence of God through music. Email Tre' Mutava at tmutava@hillcrestcov.org with your interest. | |
Emotions Workshop is Saturday, February 15 | Join Natalie Moultrie and Angela Powell as they discuss emotionality and the importance of balancing the expression and understanding of our emotions with exploring how this balance relates to our personal journeys, mutual respect for others, and most importantly, our relationship with Jesus. Sign up here. | |
AARP Tax Prep | Kansas residents can receive free tax prep by AARP volunteers at Hillcrest. Please call Glen Penner at 913-707-3013 to set up your appointment (required) on Tuesdays starting February 4 in Room 205. No walk-ins. | | |
Financial Update as of 12/31/2024:
Actual Giving: $867,739
Budgeted Giving: $909,908
Shortfall: $42,169
Thank you for your faithful, joyful and hopeful giving to what God is doing through Hillcrest! See here for ways to give.
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Tech Team is a behind the scenes ministry with a BIG impact. Each week our tech team works together to provide the best in-person and online experiences for our Sunday services, and you can be part of the team! You'll learn and grow in a variety of skills that make a difference at Hillcrest and beyond. Email Barry St. John at bstjohn@hillcrestcov.org with your interest in this important ministry. No experience required! | |
Watch all the reasons why people love to serve at Hillcrest. Find your spot to serve here... | |
Sympathies are extended to the family and friends of Alice Jean Larson who passed away on Saturday, January 18, 2025. Jean was a member of Hillcrest since 1988 and participated in Tabitha for many years. A Celebration of Life will be held on a future date. See here for obituary. | | | | | |