August 2023 Board of Director’s Meeting
Monday August 21, 2023 at 6PM
ZOOM Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 7496 8806 Passcode: qS8UTT
Click here to sign up for public input at the 8/21/2023 Regular Board Meeting
Dee Newell – Parent Representative Hanna Campus
Anna Torres – Parent Representative Lutz Lake Campus
To see who the 2023-2024 Learning Gate Board of Directors are, click on the link below
Attendees that wish to provide public input should follow the process below:
To sign up to speak during the public input segment of the Board of Director’s Meeting you must sign up online 2 hours prior to the meeting.
When called upon, the attendee should state their first and last name for appropriate record keeping in the meeting minutes.
All attendees will be muted until they are called on by the board president.
If you would like to submit public input to the board to be read at a future meeting, please email the board at this email:
Submissions must be 1000 words or less, so they may be read with in the time limits of public comment.
Emails that are deemed inappropriate will not be read in a public forum.
The Civility Policy does apply.
You may participate in public comment either virtually on Zoom or through submitting your online comments, but must choose one.