July 15, 2022

A Summer of Continued Learning

Learning never stops at Friendship! Through summer enrichment programs like S.T.E.A.M. Camp and Summer Learning Academy, our scholars are still nurturing their skill sets and interests throughout the summer. Friendship students have a summer reimagined with field experiences that drives curiosity and expands their love of learning.

Visit us on Instagram for more cool photos.

Mark Your Calendars!

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Requirements for Students in the 2022-23 School Year

In accordance with the Coronavirus Immunization of School Students and Early Childhood Workers Amendment Act of 2021, beginning in the 2022-23 school year, the COVID-19 vaccine is required for all students who are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination that is fully approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for their age. As of May 4, 2022, the FDA has fully approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for individuals age 16 and older and the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for individuals age 18 and older. If additional approvals occur, OSSE will communicate those updates as soon as possible. 


Any student age 16 or older at the start of the 2022-23 school year must have received their primary COVID-19 vaccination series— or be proceeding in accordance with the series— or they will risk being removed from school. OSSE has revised the Immunization Attendance Policy for the 2022-23 school year to support schools and families with understanding and implementing this new requirement. Additionally, schools may refer to the OSSE website for new resources on this requirement, including COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements for DC Schools and COVID-19 Vaccination Compliance Steps. Facts about the COVID-19 vaccine are also available on the OSSE website, and from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and at coronavirus.dc.gov/vaccine

To find locations offering the COVID-19 vaccine, families may visit vaccines.gov or vaccinate.dc.gov. For questions about the Immunization Attendance Policy, please contact OSSE.SchoolHealth@dc.gov. For questions about immunization information, data and locations where families can receive immunizations, contact DC Health at DOH.Immunization@dc.gov or visit the DC Health Immunization Program webpage.

Enrollment Info

Are you Registered?

Families, we are rapidly approaching the beginning of the 2022-23 school year and look forward to welcoming you. If you have not yet registered your scholar for the upcoming year, contact your enrolling campus for assistance.

Friendship Campuses

Friendship PCS Armstrong


(202) 518-3928 ext.7002

Friendship PCS Blow Pierce


(202) 572-1070 ext. 2003

Friendship PCS Chamberlain


(202) 547-5800 ext. 4003

Friendship PCS Ideal


(202) 986-0827 ext.1202

Friendship PCS Southeast


(202) 562-1980 ext.5142

Friendship PCS Woodridge


(202) 635-6500 ext. 6002

Friendship PCS Collegiate Academy and

Collegiate Online Academy


(202) 396-5500

Friendship PCS Technology Preparatory Academy


(202) 552-5700 ext. 0

New & Returning Families

Thank you for choosing Friendship PCS and continuing to grow with us for the 2022-23 school year. We look forward to welcoming you (or welcoming you back) to our Friendship family!


During the summer, be sure to submit your scholar’s health records:

  • Proof of Immunizations
  • Oral Health Form
  • Universal Health Certificate

Human Papillomavirus Vaccination (HPV) -Two (2) doses if student receives first dose between 9 and 14 years of age with doses separated by 6-12 months. Three (3) doses if student starts series on or after 15 years of age. If a parent decides their child will not get the HPV vaccine, they must fill out the HPV Vaccine Refusal Form.

A Virtual Visit of Blow Pierce!

Check out the happenings of Friendship Blow Pierce on the sunny side of Ward 7, a phrase coined by Blow Pierce’s very own Principal Spears! Take a virtual walk through the campus and learn more about the BP Knights.

Something to Say?

Share your “Glows and Grows” with us. Did a teacher or other team member go above and beyond? Are you especially grateful to a student or family member? Do you have a suggestion or lesson learned? Need school-based resources? Let us know! All comments and questions are welcome. Call 202.281.1777 or email wecare@friendshipschools.org.
Friendship Public Charter School
1400 1st Street NW,
Washington, D.C. 20001
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