April 1, 2022

It is time for current and new (matched and/or accepted) families to register their scholars for the 2022-23 new school year! Registration is open from April 1 – May 2, 2022. 

Please complete our two-step process:

Step 1: Submit an online Friendship Registration Form through InfoSnap. (Families will receive an email containing the student’s snapcode.)

Step 2: After completion of the online registration application, the next business day, families will receive an email to submit required registration materials.


Get Registered Today!

Registration Resource: bit.ly/enroll_22

Questions or concerns? Email us at Enroll@friendshipschools.org

As we continue to practice and implement safety mitigations in the midst of the pandemic, and though all Friendship schools still require masking indoors, we also want you to be empowered with factual information that helps to keep you, your families, and your scholars safe.

Below you’ll find testing and vaccination resources along with an article about the Biden Administration’s new COVID-19 Czar who asks us to think about continued masking in the following way, "You wear it when it's raining. You take it off when it stops raining," Jha told NPR.

"And if we think of masks in that way then, yeah, during surges, we should have masks. And everybody should be wearing them. And then when the surge ends, we should take off our masks," he added.

We’ll consider this input as well as the feedback we’ve received from families and staff as we continue to evaluate our COVID-19 mitigation policies.


Testing Sites: https://coronavirus.dc.gov/testing

Get Vaccinated: https://coronavirus.dc.gov/page/get-vaccinated

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In an effort to simplify the process of uploading your weekly COVID-19 test results, we’ve launched an app! We will continue to distribute COVID-19 rapid antigen tests weekly to all scholars with the requirement that a test is administered on Sunday evenings and results are uploaded to https://bit.ly/FPCSCovidApp by 9 p.m.

Let’s continue to stay safe and healthy together!

What's Your Opinion on Early Release Days?

We need your help to finalize the calendar for the new school year (2022-2023). Please click here to answer a brief survey question. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to another year of growing with you!



Early Release Wednesdays

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Something to Say?

Share your “Glows and Grows” with us. Did a teacher or other team member go above and beyond? Are you especially grateful to a student or family member? Do you have a suggestion or lesson learned? Need school-based resources? Let us know! All comments and questions are welcome. Call 202.281.1777 or email wecare@friendshipschools.org.
Friendship Public Charter School
1400 1st Street NW,
Washington, D.C. 20001
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