Learning and Growing

Monthly RE Bulletin for the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

March 1st, 2024

Devin's Musings

When I was in seminary, I loved learning about Jesus and all the different parables he shared to illustrate his lessons for the disciples. More than that, I loved the pivotal, transformative moments in his own story.

One of those stories of transformation is the Transfiguration of Jesus. This is the story when Christian Scripture marks the occasion upon which Jesus took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes shining so bright and beautiful. Something in Jesus changed on that mountain!

I wonder: When has a change in your life made you shine bright and beautiful? I hope you will share your story with me and each other.

This Month's Theme: Transformation

What does it take to make change in ourselves, in our community, and in our world? How can we mark and honor the changes that take place slowly, over time? How can we mark new life and fresh understanding that happens with and around us? This month we mark transformations of many different kinds: the spring equinox, Purim, Easter, and the Transgender Day of Visibility.

March 3rd: All Together Sunday

Spiritual practices can be transformative and, during this season of Lent, there is no better time to try a few out. Today, our Children and Youth will think about the spiritual practice of prayer through a lens of gratitude, and forgiveness, as well as their hopes for themselves and the world. They will learn about the spiritual practice of prayer beads from Pat Rohan and Stephanie St. Pierre (who both have Catholic roots) and make a UUified prayer bead bracelet for themselves. 

Sunday Morning Highlights

Pre-K through 4th Grade

On March 10th, we will learn about The Lord's Prayer. We will wonder whether or not the disciples were changed in some way when Jesus taught them to pray.

On March 17th, we will learn about the Purim Story and how Queen Esther helped ensure the safety of so many people.

5th through 8th Grade

On March 10th, we will hear from some FUUSN Members and Friends of different ages about their spiritual journeys and the moment they figured out that Unitarian Universalism was important to them.

On March 17th, we will hear from Mary Magdalene and what it was like to travel with Jesus.

Purim Sunday: March 24th

In honor of Purim, our Pre-K through 4th grade cohort together with our 5th-8th grade cohort will come together to make and bake hamantaschen.

Hamantaschen are triangle-shaped cookies filled with jam, nut butter, poppy seeds, or other sweets. The three corners are supposed to represent the three-cornered hat worn by Haman, the villain of the Purim story.

Hopefully, there will be enough leftover for coffee hour, too, so be sure to find your way to Parish Hall after the service.

Easter Sunday: March 31st

There will be no religious exploration programming on Sunday, March 31st. Our Easter Service will be an All Ages Service.

Childcare will be available for those five years old or younger.


Lifespan and Adult Religious Education

OWL for Adults is Coming

OWL isn't just about sex, it is a comprehensive approach to thinking about how we show up in the world throughout our whole lives!

Many of you have expressed interest in having Our Whole Lives (OWL) for Adults at FUUSN and we want to be able to offer it next year. To do so, we need at least two facilitators comfortable teaching and talking about sex, sexuality, gender, and all the fun (and not so fun) stuff bodies do as we age. Training to be a facilitator will be provided and since it is a new program at FUUSN, you will get to meet with Devin throughout the year for check-ins and support!

If the opportunity to facilitate Adult OWL intrigues you, email Devin at devin@fusn.org to discuss if this is a right fit for you!

For all RE events and meetings, view our Events Calendar.

Volunteer Opportunities

We still need volunteers to help run RE programs. If you're interested, please sign up.

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | www.fuusn.org

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