Community Support Program in Lebanon aaaa December 2020
CSP Is Offering Technical and Vocational Scholarships!
Are you Lebanese from the North, South, or Beqaa Governorate? Are you interested in a career in health care? Or maybe you're a technology enthusiast interested in improving your coding skills? USAID's Community Support Program (CSP), in partnership with the Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) and local programming school Codi, is now offering scholarships to comprehensive vocational courses in home-based health care and coding, respectively.
- Applicants interested in home-based health care must commit to three weeks of coursework at an LRC institute in Baabda, Saida, or Tripoli.
Applicants interested in coding must commit to six weeks of coursework at the St. Elie Institut in El Mina.
The scholarship will cover full tuition and include a monthly allowance for transportation and other costs as well as health insurance for the duration of the program. Coding students will also receive a laptop. No previous technical experience is needed, and spaces are limited. Interested applicants should fill out the forms at the following links:
CSP-Supported Schools Are Back in Session!
This winter, more than 1,600 students are returning to better-equipped and safer schools in Akkar, North Lebanon. CSP has so far supported three schools in the area with upgraded infrastructure and new equipment, including toilets, electrical sockets, and white boards, as well as computers, desks, and chairs. Additionally, CSP is training more than 100 teachers on maintaining the equipment.
Community Voices: Mohamed,
a CSP Scholarship Student
CSP recently awarded 89 scholarships to TVET students in the North, South, and Beqaa to enable them to afford tuition for their final year. Eighteen-year-old Mohamed, a third-year accounting student at the Foyer de la Providence technical school in South Lebanon, was about to drop out: "The financial crisis left me with no means to continue my third year of school and graduate. The scholarship couldn't have come at a better time. The money I essentially saved for my education is being used to meet our family's basic needs without me having to quit my education," Mohamed says.
Fact of the Month: Guess the Village!
In the photo on the right, a CSP team visits the wastewater treatment plant in the Beqaa village of __________.
CSP is rehabilitating the plant and upgrading its sludge management system. The activity is expected to benefit more than 27,000 residents from four villages by treating an estimated 5,000 cubic meters of wastewater per day!
Interested in the continued impact of CSP's response activities following the Beirut explosions? Read the story of Ali and Maria, two Beirut residents who benefited from short-term job opportunities offered by CSP to remove rubble from blast-affected areas in Beirut, in English, Arabic, French, and Farsi.
Meet the CSP Team:
Field Officer Ali Hachem
Ali is a dynamic field officer in South Lebanon who wears multiple hats in his role with CSP. He regularly meets with communities to determine their needs, helps to design interventions to fill those needs, and follows up on activities to ensure they are implemented according to plan. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Ali has also taken up gardening, cultivating everything from lettuce, rocca, and marjoram to red chilis, cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, and beans! Ali says his newfound passion has helped to improve his work on CSP. "Patience, dedication, and steadfastness are essential to both my gardening project and my work in communities. In gardening, I have to wait for my yield; in communities, impact takes time to appear and change must be monitored over time. Just as it is crucial to water seedlings to see a result despite waiting periods, I meet deadlines and finish tasks over months of implementation to ensure great impact for CSP."
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This newsletter is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The content of this newsletter is the sole responsibility of the Community Support Program (CSP) in Lebanon and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.