In addition to providing vulnerable towns and villages with essential equipment and other resources, USAID's Community Support Program ensures the sustainability of its support through its technical assistance/capacity building component. CSP is dedicated to offering trainings and other assistance that enable beneficiaries to safely operate, maintain, and maximize the impact of direct community support funded by USAID.
For example, in 2019 CSP provided the North Lebanon community of Niha with a skid snowblower, 85 LED streetlights, and 45 upgraded steel waste barrels and lids, and then trained residents on the equipment's operation and maintenance. Last year, Niha used the CSP-provided snowblower to plow its residential streets for the first time, and in January 2021 the village rolled out the snowblower for the second year in a row to ensure that residents could travel safely to, from, and within the village. The snowblower proved essential this year to facilitate the transportation of COVID-19 patients to hospitals. With CSP's assistance, residents say this is the first year in a long time that they did not have to worry about traveling along snow-blocked roads. Subscribe to this newsletter for periodic updates about how communities continue to utilize USAID-funded assistance long after its delivery!