Community Support Program in Lebanon aaaaa January 2021
More than 10,000 residents in Bqasta in South Lebanon will have access to a reliable supply of clean water by the end of the summer, thanks to a 300-cubic-meter water tank being constructed by USAID’s Community Support Program! CSP held the groundbreaking ceremony for the tank on December 16, in the presence of U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea, Bqasta Municipality head Ibrahim Mezher, and USAID Lebanon Mission Director Mary Eileen Devitt (all pictured above). The activity will alleviate water shortages in Bqasta that force residents to shoulder the cost of trucking in additional water on a weekly basis. USAID is providing $185,000 in funding for the tank, which will collect water from two wells to help mitigate the shortages, while the municipality is contributing the land for construction. “This activity showcases the commitment of the U.S. government to the basic needs of the Lebanese people, including the residents of Bqasta,” Ambassador Shea said during the groundbreaking ceremony.
The intervention is one of 82 activities CSP had completed or was carrying out by the end of December. Watch the video below for more details about CSP's cumulative achievements as of the end of 2020!
Field Highlights: Community Voices
a CSP Worker in Damour
“We respect and take care of our land. If another fire erupts, it will not be like the last. We are children of this land," says Damour resident Josiane Francis. Josiane is one of 160 CSP workers carrying out low-risk labor intensive fire reduction works in Mount Lebanon, such as cutting back foliage and picking up garbage and recyclables. So far, CSP workers have cleared 134 kilometers of forested area in Damour and neighboring Kfar Matta and Mechref ... and counting!
With the temporary income she earns through the USAID-funded project, Josiane is able to afford essential items like clothes and shoes for her children and cover her home electricity expenses.
a CSP Scholarship Student
Meet 17-year-old Maysan, whose dreams of graduating were almost crushed by the economic crisis that hit Lebanon, until she received a CSP scholarship. Thanks to the USAID-funded opportunity, she has resumed her final year as an accounting student at the Foyer de la Providence technical school in Es Salhieh, South Lebanon. “My parents, especially my father, always encouraged me to pursue my education and realize my ambitions. As a girl in a patriarchal society, it has always been my priority to graduate and pursue a career that would support my financial independence. I do not want to depend on anyone.” Maysan plans to graduate this year and can’t wait for a long, fruitful career!
Tune in to later newsletters for more information about upcoming scholarship opportunities from CSP!
Fact of the Month: Guess the Village!
Soon you'll be able to follow this map along a hiking trail established by CSP in the South Lebanon village of __________.
Additionally, CSP is assisting the town with a business plan for sustainably managing and marketing the local festival space (which CSP is also currently upgrading), hiking trails, and guesthouses. The activity aims to place the area on Lebanon’s tourism map, boosting local revenues, attracting visitors, and increasing livelihoods opportunities.
In Fall 2020, CSP completed the reconstruction of a 70-meter retaining wall along the main road in the town of Ghazze in West Beqaa ahead of the winter season. The wall supports a main sidewalk linking residential areas with important community destinations including public schools, the municipal building, and mosques. The sidewalk had become downtrodden over time and was on the verge of collapse, posing a safety risk for the community. CSP's activity helped the municipality meet residents' basic safety and public service needs while also stimulating the local economy, benefiting a total of about 19,000 underserved and vulnerable residents.
In December, CSP's work in Ghazze was covered by more than 50 local media outlets (English and Arabic), received several radio mentions, and was featured in several tweets.
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This newsletter is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The content of this newsletter is the sole responsibility of the Community Support Program (CSP) in Lebanon and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.