Issue No.  56
Tuesday, November 18, 2014



We have some exciting news to share with you this frosty morning.  After just over four years of persistent effort, both stream access cases are approaching final resolution at the district court level. A third court hearing in the Provo (right-to-use) case is scheduled before Judge Derek Pullan on December 22, 2014. Depending on the outcome, a short trial before Judge Pullan could soon follow.  The Weber (navigable-for-title) case is scheduled for a 4-day trial before Judge Keith Kelly the last week of January 2015, which should resolve all issues in that matter.  Once resolved at the district court level, both cases will likely end up in front of the Utah Supreme Court.


If all goes according to plan, one or both of the district courts will issue their final rulings before the end of the upcoming Legislative Session - giving our elected officials something to think about while both cases are appealed to the Utah Supreme Court.


We are immensely proud of the progress our pro bono legal counsel has made since the first case was filed in November of 2010. For over four years they have done an outstanding job representing YOUR interests and defended YOUR rights - and they have done so without charging USAC a dime, because they believe that the public has every right to lawfully use the resource that it owns - the public waters of Utah.


It's time to replenish the war chest.


Even though USAC's attorneys have been working free-of-charge, there are still significant legal costs associated with this process - fees for court recorders, transcriptions, depositions, expert retainers, and court filings. USAC has been able to meet these legal costs by carefully managing its "war chest," which was built from the generous and thoughtful donations of its members, and friends.


Looking forward, USAC will soon be facing the costs associated with two concurrent appeals to the Utah Supreme Court. This Holiday season, we're asking you, those who believe in what we are doing, to show what this stream access fight means to you, your children, and to all future generations of Utahans.


Article XVII of the Utah Constitution states:


All existing rights to the use of any of the waters in this State for any useful or beneficial purpose, are hereby recognized and confirmed.


In recognition of Article XVII USAC has set a fundraising goal of $17,000 by January 1, 2015. We want to exceed this goal and we can only do so with your help. We are asking each and every member to contribute $17 to help replenish our war chest in anticipation of our dual appeals to the Utah Supreme Court.


If you want your constitutional rights to use Utah's rivers and streams restored, now is the time to give.


Of course, we understand that Holiday budgets are tight, therefore we will gladly accept whatever you can contribute - $1, $5, or $10 will still help.


For Credit Card/Paypal donations, please click here.


Or, you may mail a check to:



Utah Stream Access Coalition

P.O. Box 91154

Salt Lake City, UT 84109


We thank you for your continued support.  Together we will win this fight for public rights.

Board of Directors

Utah Steam Access Coalition

[email protected] 

Help fund 
the good fight.

Every penny goes towards restoring stream access. 

Help us fight.

Please help support the USAC


Upcoming Events

November 19 - General Membership Meeting, 7pm, SLC Public Library, Meeting Room B
December 22 - Provo Case Oral Arguments
January 16 - March 12 - 61st General Legislative Session
January 26 - 29 - Weber Case Trial

Volunteers Wanted 
Do you want to get more involved but don't quite know how? Send us an email. Share your expertise. Help us restore access to Utah's rivers and streams.

Follow Us

  Like us on Facebook   Visit our blog   @utahstreamaccess on Instagram


About Us

The Mission of the Utah Stream Access Coalition is to promote and assist in all aspects of restoring and preserving public access to, and lawful use of, Utah's public waters and streambeds.


The USAC is an all-volunteer, 501(c)4 nonprofit corporation, and while your donations are appreciated, they are NOT tax-deductible.