Legal Well-Being in Action Podcast: Making Decisions For Our Wellness
Episode two of the Well-Being: A Deeper Drive campaign is now available to listen to for FREE! In this episode, Sean FitzPatrick and Kenneth Stalter discuss their personal thoughts on quantifying their professional and personal lives, development of a person's best potentials and their own approach in the fulfillment of personally expressive, self-concordant goals. For more information, visit wtww.sbnm.org/Leadership/Committees/NM-Well-Being-Committee/Legal-Well-Being-In-Action-Podcast.
2023 Annual Meeting - Save the Date
The State Bar of New Mexico will be hosting the 2023 Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort & Spa on July 27 - 29 and will feature a keynote address from New York University School of Law Professor Anthony C. Thompson on July 28. Discounted Early Bird Registration will begin in early April. For more information, visit https://www.sbnm.org/CLE-Events/Annual-Meeting-2023.
Be a Volunteer Arbitrator
Calling All Coaches! Please Sign Up for the Bar Exam Coaching Program!
The Committee on Diversity in the Legal Profession (CDLP) is beginning another cycle of the Bar Exam Attorney Coaching Program for the next cohort of Bar Exam test takers. The CDLP is proud to offer this program for those taking the exam in July 2023 and we need attorney coaches. The program is designed to match an applicant with a committed attorney who will serve as a resource for the applicant. Coaches and applicants will communicate in person or via phone, e-mail, or Zoom during the applicant's bar preparation. Attorney coach and applicant matches will be made based on information provided on the form below. The deadline for submission is May 17. For any questions or concerns, contact CDLP Chair Helen B. Padilla at hbpadilla@msn.com.
Board of Bar Commissioners
Appointment to DNA People's Legal Services, Inc. Board
The Board of Bar Commissioners will make one appointment to the DNA – People’s Legal Services, Inc., Board for a four-year term. Attorneys licensed in New Mexico who wish to serve on the board should send a letter of interest and brief resume by May 1 to bbc@sbnm.org.
Board of Bar Commissioners
Appointment of Young Lawyer Delegate to American Bar Association House of Delegates
Pursuant to the American Bar Association Constitution and Bylaws (Rules of the Procedure House of Delegates) Article 6, Section 6.4, the Board of Bar Commissioners will make one appointment of a young lawyer delegate to the American Bar Association (ABA) House of Delegates for a two-year term, which will expire at the conclusion of the 2025 ABA Annual Meeting. Members wishing to serve as the young lawyer delegate to the ABA HOD must have been admitted to his or her first bar within the last five years or be less than 36 years old at the beginning of the term; they must also be a licensed New Mexico attorney and a current ABA member in good standing throughout the tenure as a delegate and be willing to attend meetings or otherwise complete his/her term and responsibilities without reimbursement or compensation from the State Bar; however, the ABA provides reimbursement for expenses to attend the ABA mid-year meeting. Qualified candidates should send a letter of interest and brief resume by May 31 to bbc@sbnm.org.
Historical Committee Tour of the Glorieta Battlefield
Join the Historical Committee of the State Bar on April 29, for a tour of the Glorieta Civil War Battlefield. The tour will begin at 9 a.m. and end between 3 and 4 p.m. The tour is limited to the first 30 persons to register. Registration will close on April 22 or when 30 people have registered. Register at memberservices@sbnm.org. The tour leader is Henry M. Rivera who has led this tour many times; has led tours of many other Civil War Battlefields; is a member of the Civil War Roundtable of the District of Columbia and has previously addressed the Historical Committee on Civil War subjects. Tour details, maps and other material will be provided to registrants closer to the event date.
Be a Defender of Justice!
Equal Access to Justice helps ensure that New Mexicans are not denied justice due to an inability to afford it. Through an annual campaign, Equal Access to Justice raises unrestricted, noncompetitive funds for civil legal aid organizations. These funds help support New Mexico Legal Aid, New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty and DNA People’s Legal Services in their critical work providing essential legal services and advocacy. Donate before March 31 to help meet this year’s goal (98% of the way there!). Contributions are tax-deductible and help fulfill your pro-bono obligations by supporting civil legal services. Please visit www.eaj-nm.org for more information about how you can assist Equal Access to Justice and its initiatives.
Please Join Us in Celebration of Women's History Month
Celebrate Women's History Month with a free CLE, "Presence, Progress, and Health: Building Women's Resistance in the Legal Profession," sponsored by the New Mexico Black Lawyers Association with lunch provided by the Equity in Justice Program. This session will explore some of the data on how and why women are staying or leaving the profession and ideas regarding how law firms and other organizations can create healthier and more just work environments for women. The CLE will take place in-person from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on March 27 and will be located in the State Bar Center. Members who take the course will receive 1.0 EP credit. If you are an individual with a disability that requires accommodation for communication, please email amanda.parker@sbnm.org.
re:Search®NM to Replace Secured Odyssey Public Access (SOPA)
The Judiciary is migrating all current Secured Odyssey Public Access (SOPA) accounts to re:Search®NM on Friday, April 7, 2023. If you currently have a SOPA account, no action needs to be taken ahead of time. re:Search®NM is a software application that replaces SOPA and provides access to Odyssey court case information and free documents to registered users based on guidelines developed by the New Mexico Supreme Court and the Online Access Subcommittee of the Judicial Technology Council per Supreme Court Order. Self-represented litigants and attorneys have been able to use the new software application since 2019. Expect to see several preliminary email announcements, including instructions for accessing the re:Search®NM account on the April 7, 2023 launch date. Training videos and user guides for re:Search®NM will be available on the NM Courts website on April 7, 2023 as well.
Access to Justice Fund Grant Commission 2023-2024 Grant Process Now Open
The State Bar of New Mexico Access to Justice Fund Grant Commission now seeks grant applications from nonprofit organizations that provide civil legal services to low income New Mexicans within the scope of the State Plan. Upon review of the applications, the Grant Commission will make the final decision regarding applicants to be awarded grants and the amount of each grant. The deadline for proposals is April 17, 2023.
Upcoming Programs from the Center for Legal Education:
Ethics, Attorneys, and Social Media:
How to Keep the Disciplinary Counsel
from Knocking at Your Door
REPLAY: The Paperless Law Firm:
A Digital Dream
REPLAY: Structural Impediments to Equal Pay
Important Announcements and Deadlines
State Bar Announcements and Deadlines
Court Announcements and Deadlines
Legal Community Announcements and Deadlines
In Case You Missed It
State Bar Classifieds and Career Center
Recently Released Opinions by the New Mexico Court of Appeals
- 2022-NMCA-042: No. A-1-CA-38534
More Content from New Mexico's Courts
- Clerk's Certificates
- Recent Rule Making Activity
Fastcase is a free member service that includes cases, statutes, regulations, court rules and constitutions. This service is available through www.sbnm.org. Fastcase also offers free live training webinars. Visit www.fastcase.com/webinars to view current offerings. Reference attorneys will provide assistance from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday. Customer service can be reached at 866-773-2782 or support@fastcase.com. For more information, contact Christopher Lopez, chris.lopez@sbnm.org or 505-797-6018.