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Legislative & Advocacy Round-up

To inform brain injury advocates about

grassroots advocacy and public policy

October 2023  

Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey Recognizes Assemblyman

Thomas P. Giblin

The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey recognized Assemblyman Thomas P. Giblin on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 for his support for brain injury issues and of the Alliance during his time in the New Jersey Legislature. He is pictured on the left holding a certificate of appreciation with Tom Grady, Director of Advocacy & Public Affairs for the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey.

Assemblyman Giblin who represents the 34th legislative district in the New Jersey General Assembly, is not seeking re-election to the seat.

"Assemblyman Giblin has been a long-time supporter of the brain injury cause and of the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey," said Mr. Grady. "He has supported policy regarding funding for brain injury services, access to transportation for people impacted by brain injury, concussion management in youth sports and more. He has also been a generous supporter of the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey's annual gala. We will miss his advocacy in the State Legislature but look forward to his continued support and friendship."

Assemblyman Giblin is also a recipient of the James and Sarah Brady Award for Public Service. This award is presented to an individual or group for public service based on an outstanding record of contributions that further the goals of the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey through work at the federal, state, or local level.

The Alliance presented Assemblyman Giblin with the certificate of appreciation during a Facebook Live event. A recording of the event can be found on the Alliance's Facebook page.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

To learn more about voting in the 2023 General Election, you may want to visit the New Jersey Voter Information Portal, a service provided by the New Jersey Department of State: Division of Elections, by clicking HERE. It is at this site voters can learn about: in-person early voting; vote-by-mail; secure voting drop box locations; polling locations; and, how to track your vote.

Disability Rights New Jersey. another voting resource, has a voting hotline. If you have questions about voting or have a problem, you can contact the Disability Rights NJ Voting Hotline at (866) 493-0023 or email at: Disability Rights New Jersey, a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to advancing and protecting the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities.

Upcoming Events

  • 2023 Annual NJ self-Direction Conference: Dedicated to expanding opportunities for people with disabilities to fully participate in the design and delivery of their services, with the support they need, from whom they want (November 2-4, 2023). See the agenda HERE. Pre-register HERE.

From the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey

The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey provides a broad range of programs and services. You may learn about these programs and services by clicking HERE.

The programs and services highlighted for this month include the following:

  • WEBINAR Medicaid TBI Services in NJ: Accessibility, Eligibility, Legal Rights - Medicaid TBI Services in NJ: Accessibility, Eligibility, Legal Rights Individuals with TBIs and their supporters should know about TBI-specific services available through NJ’s Medicaid program and about their rights to access those services. Disability Rights NJ attorneys will review Medicaid and MLTSS eligibility, including clinical eligibility. The presentation will include an overview of Medicaid TBI services available under MLTSS, the steps to appeal a denial of clinical eligibility for MLTSS, and how to address a managed care denial, reduction, or termination of specific TBI-related services. Register HERE.

Advocacy Resources You May Find Useful

There are a broad range of advocacy resources that people impacted by brain injury may find useful to themselves personally and/or to the broader brain injury community.

Some of the advocacy resources highlighted this month include the following:

In Case You Missed It

No one of use can read everything that may be useful to our lives and to the lives of others. The following are some pieces of information that any one of you may not have seen but could be of of interest to you:

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