The National Indian Health Board and the National Congress of American Indians join forces to elevate Tribal Leader voices to Capitol Hill on securing Advance Appropriations for the Indian Health Service (IHS). This action alert is for the House Appropriations Committee - we ask the committee to support and include IHS advance appropriations in the current appropriations bill. Advance Appropriations would help shield the IHS and Tribal health systems from the harmful impacts of Continuing Resolutions and government shutdowns. Support and passage of Advance Appropriations in the next appropriations cycle would begin the necessary process for establishing budget certainty and help improve the health care delivery system for Tribal nations and their citizens. It is a meaningful step in fulfilling the United States’ trust responsibility and treaty obligations to Tribal nations for Indian health care.
The National Indian Health Board passed Resolution 14-03 to Support Advanced Appropriations for the Indian Health Service and the National Congress of American Indians passed Resolution 19-001 to Support Advance Advanced Appropriations for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Health Service.
Tribal Leaders are encouraged to Call, E-mail, and Send Letters to Members of Congress between today and Friday, June 17, including the House Committee on Appropriations and House Subcommittee on Interior Environment, and Related Agencies, Senate Committee on Appropriations and Senate Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, and representatives from their state or district. NIHB and NCAI have prepared scripts and templates that can be downloaded:
For questions, please contact NIHB Director of Government Relations Aaron Payment, EdD at [email protected].