SB 1604 Up Today on the House Floor
OPPOSE All Amendments
CS/SB 1604 (Ingoglia) relates to Land Use and will be considered by the full House of Representatives Today (5/1/23).
An amendment was filed to the bill that would limit cities’ authority to regulate electric substations.
The amendment allows for transmission-sized substations to be located virtually anywhere, including next door to neighborhoods, schools and day care centers.
Actions Needed:
Contact your Representative (click here for House contact info) and urge them to oppose any amendments to CS/SB 1604. Particularly, oppose Amendment (Barcode #532029) for the following reasons:

Invasive: This amendment would allow transmission-sized substations virtually anywhere – even next to homes, schools and day care centers. It also permits any associated facilities, such as warehouses and tall buildings, to be located virtually anywhere.
Eye Sore: Worse, it allows existing substations to be REBUILT as massive transmission-sized substations virtually anywhere – even next to homes.
These facilities have ultra-high voltages – as much as 1500 kv. A substation could be several acres in size with numerous high voltage towers and lines.
Local governments would be limited to imposing only minimal setback and buffering requirements.
Protect the private property rights of homeowners and vote NO on Amendment #532029

Please contact Charles Chapman with any questions.
Do you want this substation NEXT to your home? Vote NO on Amendment #532029 to SB 1604
Keep Us Informed
Please email Allison Payne and let us know what communications you have with legislators on this issue.  

Thank you for your advocacy efforts!