Municipal Water or Sewer Utility Rates, Fees and Charges
CS/HB 777 (Brackett) eliminates surcharge on extraterritorial water and sewer service and requires all rates to be the same.
- This may lead to city residents subsidizing service to nonresidents.
- Municipalities should not be punished for serving others.
View the Bill Summary
Municipal Utilities
CS/HB 1277 (Busatta Cabrera) caps transfers of utility revenues and eliminates surcharges on extraterritorial customers.
- Punishes good actors, hurts fiscally constrained communities and may jeopardize bond financing and planned projects.
View the Bill Summary
HB 777 (Brackett) and HB 1277 (Busatta Cabrera) will be considered by the Local Administration, Federal Affairs and Special Districts Subcommittee on Wednesday, January 31, at 2:00 p.m.
Please contact members of the committee to oppose these bills. Click here for the Local Administration, Federal Affairs and Special Districts Subcommittee contact information.