Important Update from the Florida League of Cities
House and Senate Short-term Rental Bills Up Next Week - Oppose
CS/HB 833 (Duggan) is a comprehensive bill relating to short term rentals (STRs).
CS/HB 833 will be considered by the House Commerce Committee on Monday, April 17 at 2:00 pm (EST).
An amendmenthas been filed that would do the following:
Removes the ability for cities to impose a fine for failure to register STRs;
Removes the ability for cities to terminate a STR registration for noncompliance with local ordinances;
Removes the requirement for payment of all outstanding code liens as a condition of registration;
Increases the cap on registration fees to $75 for an individual unit and $150 for collective registrations (for up to 75 houses or units at various locations).
Actions Needed:
Please communicate to legislators that we oppose CS/HB 833 and the amendment. Specifically:
Oppose Amendment (Barcode: 795945) because it further erodes municipal tools and authority to effectively manage STR’s.
Allow cities to limit occupancy. If cities are prohibited from addressing occupancy, please include a reasonable statewide standard for occupancy.
Strengthen the enforcement structure for DBPR to effectively regulate STR’s. Violations of state law should be taken seriously and enforced accordingly, and DBPR must have the resources to do so.
Allow cities to charge a reasonable fee that will cover the cost to run the registration program.
The Senate companion bill, CS/SB 714 (DiCeglie) will be considered by the Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment and General Government on Tuesday, April 18 at 12:00 pm (EST). We expect an amendment(s) to be filed to the Senate bill. The League will keep you posted with more details once the amendments are available.