Legislative Alert 3 February 2024

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An egregious shoreland zoning violation on Sebago Lake has highlighted the ability of wealthy landowners to bury towns in litigation and the need for more effective tools for towns to protect our lakes. FMI, read an article from the Sun Journal , which includes before and after photos of this horrific violation. Photo Credit Town of Raymond.

Dear Maine Lakes,

If, like me, you are horrified by the photo above showing brazen shoreland zoning violations on Sebago Lake in Raymond, please join me in writing a letter to the State and Local Government Committee urging them to SUPPORT of LD 2101, An Act to Strengthen Shoreland Zoning Enforcement.

Maine’s strong shoreland zoning rules are critical to protecting lake water quality and wildlife habitat. But when rules are ignored, enforcement of shoreland zoning can be extremely difficult, if not impossible. 


Some homeowners and developers violate shoreland zoning rules by cutting trees along the water’s edge, removing vegetation that stabilizes shoreline and helps keep water clean, or adding jetties, stairs, rocks, boat launches, sand, and other features without the required permits. Fines may be assessed and paid as the "cost of doing business," but the long-term damage leaves a permanent legacy of erosion and lake pollution that affects all who use the lake long into the future.


LD 2101 will hold shoreland zoning violators accountable.


This bill authorizes municipalities and the Land Use Planning Commission (the zoning and planning authority for Maine’s 10.4 million acres of unorganized territory) to suspend or revoke shoreland zoning violators’ permits, and place liens on properties in violation.




Write a short note to the State and Local Government Committee before their hearing at 1:00 on Tuesday, February 6 to urge them to vote OUGHT TO PASS on LD 2101.


A sample letter is below.

To submit your letter, click here.

To read the text of the bill, click here.

To see the status of the bill, click here.

State and municipal shoreland zoning laws exist to help protect water quality, limit erosion, conserve wildlife, and preserve the natural beauty of Maine's shoreland areas.

We cannot let lakefront property owners violate our laws just because they can afford the finds and endless litigation.

Maine's shoreland zoning laws benefit us all, and we must ensure that they work. 

Please be sure check our advocacy page here for updates, and feel free to email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

Help garner more testimony for this bill by sharing the "view as webpage" link at the top of this email.

Thank you again for testifying, and I hope to see you at the hearing next week!

Susan Gallo

Executive Director

Maine Lakes

Sample testimony in SUPPORT of LD 2101


Dear Members of the State and Local Government Committee,


As someone who cares deeply about protecting Maine’s clean water and lake wildlife habitat, I urge you to support LD 2101, An Act to Strengthen Shoreland Zoning Enforcement.


Maine’s strong shoreland zoning rules are critical to protecting water quality and wildlife habitat on our lakes. But when rules are ignored, enforcement of shoreland zoning can be extremely difficult, if not impossible. 


Some homeowners and developers violate shoreland zoning rules by cutting trees along the water’s edge, removing vegetation that stabilizes shoreline and helps keep water clean, or adding jetties, stairs, rocks, boat launches, sand, and other features without the required permits. Fines may be assessed and paid as the "cost of doing business," but the damage leaves a permanent legacy of erosion and lake pollution that affects all who use the lake.


LD 2101 will help address this egregious problem.


This simple, common-sense bill gives municipalities and the Land Use Planning Commission the ability to suspend or revoke shoreland zoning violators’ permits, and place liens on properties that are in violation. Municipalities desperately need this tool to keep themselves solvent when fighting the worst and most egregious shoreland zone violators.


I urge you to vote OUGHT TO PASS on LD 2101. Thank you for your consideration and for your service.




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