We received a lot of feedback on House Bill 166 the bill that has been presented by the Maryland Board of Massage Therapy Examiners (BOMTE.) The vast majority of the feedback against the bill. The "Massage Establishment License" that was added was most troubling section.

We are very pleased that we received the news,
the state board has withdrawn the bill.

It will not move forward at this time. There will be no hearing on Thursday afternoon.
BOMTE expressed interest in continued work with various stakeholders to present legislation that will support their charge of protecting the public and ensuring our licensees are properly credentialed to practice in the State of MD.

Your representatives from AMTA Maryland and AMTA National will continue to do our best to support the growth and acceptance of Massage Therapy in Maryland while protecting both the public and therapists. Since its inception, AMTA has worked toward fair licensing and portability in all 50 states. Each day, your government relations team continues to fight for your right to practice massage therapy.

This means we can all get back to work on Thursday afternoon, doing what we do best, connecting with and serving our wonderful clients who depend on us.

Thank you for your support, and interest!