Legislative Status Report
April 9, 2021
Since 1987, the Daytona Regional Chamber worked closely with our Volusia delegation and others to relay the local business viewpoint on matters that come before State government. In an effort to keep you, our members, informed of the Session in Tallahassee, we present our Legislative Status Report. If you have any questions regarding its content, please contact Jim Cameron at 386.566.2140.
House/Senate Propose Budgets
The House and Senate took up their respective budget proposals during floor sessions this week, as they now work to complete a balanced budget by April 30 (last day of the session).
A Revenue Estimating Conference took place on April 6 and House/Senate budget committees will depend on their latest state revenue projections (see article below).

Click here for more information.
Economists from the Office of Economic & Demographic Research met Tuesday and announced a favorable general revenue forecast that is $2 billion higher than a December forecast.
Sales tax collections, documentary stamp taxes, earnings on investments, intangibles taxes, corporate income taxes, and corporate filing fees were the biggest factors.
This new revenue forecast along with federal COVID relief funds from Washington will give House/Senate budget leaders more leeway with preparing the FY 2021-22 budget.
Click Executive Summary for their report. 
Proposed Senate Budget - S 2500

Proposed House Budget H 5001
Click here to see a list of local budget requests.
Sadowski Housing Trust Fund/Budget
Documentary Stamp Tax Distributions (Sadowski Housing Trust Fund) S 2512 - Thursday, the Florida House sent S 2512 to the governor's desk for signature. If signed, it will divvy up the more than $400 million from real estate transactions (Stamp Tax) targeted toward Florida's affordable housing into three areas: sea-level rise, wastewater grants, and affordable housing.
Initially, S 2512 would have allocated funds to be split evenly between the three projects; the final bill earmarked $60 million more to affordable housing.
Senate Vote 25- 14 (Sens Jason Brodeur, Travis Hutson, Tom Wright voted YES). House Vote 78-38 (Reps Webster Barnaby, Tom Leek
Elizabeth Fetterhoff, Paul Renner voted YES).

The Chamber supports sufficient funding for workforce housing!
Online Sales Tax/Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund
Taxes/Fees on Remote Sales S 50 by Sen Gruters requires out-of-state retailers and marketplace providers with no physical presence in Florida to collect Florida sales tax on taxable items if the number of remote sales exceeds $100,000 during the previous calendar year.
S 50 will allow the use of the sales tax fund to be transferred into the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund until the balance reaches the balance from Dec 31, 2019 ($4,071,519,600). 

Click here for more information.
Healthcare Issues
Telehealth S 700 by Sen Rodriguez expands the definition of “telehealth” to include telephone calls, emails, fax transmissions; allows a non-physician health care practitioner who is required to maintain a formal supervisory relationship with a physician, including a physician who is registered as an out-of-state telehealth provider, to satisfy that requirement through telehealth.

Click here for more information.
Medicaid S 1292 by Sen Bean updates/repeals outdated/obsolete language relating to reimbursement of prescribed drugs based on average wholesale price; implementation of, including increases and decreases to, a variable pharmacy dispensing fee; review of certain drugs
by the Medicaid Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee; providing prior “authorizations” rather than “consultations” for pharmacy services; expansion of mail order delivery of pharmacy products.

Click here for more information.
Preemption of Local Occupational Licensing - H 735 by Rep Harding prohibits local government from requiring a license for a person whose job scope does not substantially correspond to that of a contractor or journeyman licensed by the Construction Industry Licensing Board. 

Click here for more information.
Vacation Rental Units S 522 by Sen Diaz preempts local authority to regulate short-term rentals i.e. shifts regulation by cities/counties to the State’s Division of Hotels/Restaurants (under Dept of Business & Professional Regulation). It's on the Rules Committee agenda...April 14.

A similar House version H 19 by 
Rep Fischer is still before the Ways & Means Committee....not moving.
Tourist and Convention Development Taxes S 2008 by Sen Diaz would expand the use of Florida's Tourist Development Taxes (TDT) and Convention Development Taxes (CDT) to (1) allow counties to siphon funds collected to finance flood mitigation projects or improvements intended for tourism promotion.
S 2008 would also (2) require the TDT and CDT funds to be reauthorized by public referendum every five years.
Last acting: S 2008 was temporarily postponed on Mar 30 with no future committee meetings scheduled. 

A similar House version H 1429 is on the House' Special Order calendar where it will be voted on April 13.
Business Regulation
Home-based Businesses S 266 by Sen Baxley - would prevent counties/cities from regulating many aspects of businesses that operate inside of a home. Local governments would have to treat home-based businesses the same as traditional businesses in regular commercial/industrial districts.
Regulation would shift to the state. It would include criteria that home-based businesses must meet to operate in an area zoned for residential use.

Click here for more information.
Gaming Back on the Agenda?
Gaming Enforcement SPB 7076 by Regulated Industries Committee would set up a five-member Gaming Control Commission.
Public Records and Public Meetings Exemptions/Florida Gaming Control Commission SB 7078 by Regulated Industries Committee would keep any criminal investigation regarding the newly formed Gaming Control Commission out of public records.
Requirements for Pari-mutuel Permitholders to Conduct Live Racing or Games S 7080 by Regulated Industries….. revises requirements for greyhound permitholders, jai alai permitholders, and harness horse permitholders to conduct live racing or games.
The Senate Regulated Industries Committee (Sen Travis Hutson, Chair) is set to hear the proposed committee bills on April 12.
On the Radar Screen
Reemployment Assistance - S 1906 by Sen Jason Brodeur / House version H 1463 by Rep LaMarca ….amends the state’s reemployment assistance weekly benefit amount from a range of $32 to $275 per week to $100 to $375 per week for up to 12 weeks....neither bill is moving.
Save the Date!
Chamber's 38th Annual Welcome Back Breakfast for
Volusia Legislative Delegation
The Chamber's 38th Annual "Welcome Back Breakfast" for the Volusia Legislative delegation 
 Thursday, May 13, 7:30 am at Halifax River Yacht Club 

 At this event, our own House and Senate members will express their viewpoint on the legislative session along with questions from the audience. 
Daytona Regional Chamber member admission is $17 in- person at Halifax River Yacht Club, $10 for virtual. Advanced RSVP required. Please make sure you are logged into your member portal to receive your member rate when registering for this event.
Event Sponsors
Chamber's 2021 Legislative Priorities
Click 2021 Legislative Priorities to see the Chamber's recommendations for the Session. Compiled by our Advocacy Action Council - Dwight Durant, Chair (Zev Cohen & Associates), this list was presented to the Volusia delegation at their December 14 meeting.  

These recommendations will be tracked throughout the session and reported each week in the Chamber's Legislative Status Report.
Contact Your House and Senate Members
Click here to see Volusia's House/Senate contact information
as well as new committee assignment.

Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce
126 E. Orange Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
386.255.0981 | [email protected]

Your Chamber of Influence