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Week of January 23, 2023

Public hearings continue next week in Concord – with more opportunities for mental health advocates to make their voices heard. It takes just a few minutes to sign in remotely to show your support or opposition to a bill – you can also upload written testimony when signing in. Highlights in this alert include:

  • Public Hearings before Senate Health & Human Services and House Judiciary
  • The Trevor Project releases New Hampshire data from their 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health
  • Share Your Story to support Granite Staters affected by mental illness and suicide
  • Watch the recording of the recent NAMI NH Town Hall

Click here for the latest on remote advocacy, NAMI NH testimony, and a recap of the 2022 legislative session.

Questions? Don't hesitate to reach out: [email protected]

SB 85 – Relative to emergency behavioral health services and behavioral health crisis programs.

(NAMI NH Supports)

Wednesday, January 25th, 9:30 am

Legislative Office Bldg, Rm 101

Senate Health and Human Services Committee

SB 85 recognizes the importance of creating a sustainable behavioral health crisis stabilization system. It sets forth a new definition of behavioral health crisis program which includes a “continuum of services to address crisis intervention, crisis stabilization, and crisis residential treatment needs of those with a mental health and/or substance use disorder crisis” (notably, these are the three pillars of the crisis continuum: someone to call, someone to respond, and some place to go). The goal of the overarching crisis system is to reduce the need for individuals going to the emergency room during a mental health or substance use disorder crisis.

In addition, this bill prohibits insurance companies from requiring a prior authorization for short-term behavioral health crisis intervention and stabilization services, short-term behavioral health intensive in home services, and short-term behavioral health residential treatment services, unless the insurance carrier has a medical clinician or licensed mental health provider available on a 24-hour hotline to make the medical necessity determination and assist with approval, coordination, and placement of the patient at the appropriate level of care. It also requires that approval decisions must be provided in less than 6 hours.

Lastly, the bill creates a commission to study the sustainability of the crisis system in New Hampshire. NAMI New Hampshire is a named member of the commission.

Sign in to SUPPORT SB 85
Contact Senate Health & Human Services Committee

HB 396 – Relative to state recognition of biological sex.

(NAMI NH Opposes)

Thursday, January 26th, 4:00 pm

Legislative Office Bldg, Rms 206-208

House Judiciary Committee

HB 396 would enable public entities to restrict access to facilities and programs based on biological sex rather than gender identity, specifically targeting athletic competitions, criminal incarceration, and “places of intimate privacy” such as bathrooms and locker rooms. This bill would ostracize trans and nonbinary individuals in workplaces and schools, as well as put them at risk of physical harm in incarceration.

Sign in to OPPOSE HB 396
Contact House Judiciary Committee

The Trevor Project Releases New Hampshire Data

The Trevor Project has released findings from their 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health as reported by LGBTQ youth in New Hampshire.

Click here to read the NH survey results, which include extremely concerning data – 39% of LGBTQ youth in NH seriously considered suicide in the past year; 10% of LGBTQ youth in NH attempted suicide in the past year.

Click here for 24/7 crisis resources.

Your Story Matters.

With permission from the individuals and/or family members, NAMI NH regularly shares the stories of folks impacted by mental illness and suicide in support of statewide legislation and policies that promote mental wellness and suicide prevention.

This legislative session, we are especially looking to hear from folks who've had difficulty accessing services; those who have benefitted from Medicaid Expansion; and members of LGBTQIA+ communities.

To share your story, click here or contact Holly Stevens at [email protected].

Recording of NAMI NH Virtual Town Hall

Thank you to the dozens of folks who joined us last week at the NAMI NH Virtual Town Hall! Watch the recording to learn about 2023 legislative priorities for mental health and suicide prevention and to hear the latest updates on NAMI NH's statewide work.

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