Celebrating 50+ Years of Advancing Justice

JPR is voting on Consent TONIGHT - 4/1!

Ask JPR to CONFORM SB758 to the House Bill & bring to Senate Floor!

SB758- Criminal Law- Sexual Crimes- Consent and Second-Degree Rape

SB758 removes antiquated force and threat of force standards, shifting the focus to an explicit and voluntary agreement and providing survivors with a victim-centered approach. SB758 bars the fact finder from utilizing blame tactics such as questioning the victim's clothing choices and if they had prior consensual sexual contact with the perpetrator, providing a straightforward approach to prosecuting and determining sex crime cases.

SB758 is in the Judicial Proceedings Committee tonight, 4/1! Contact committee members to ask them to conform SB758 to the House Bill and bring these bills to the Senate Floor for a vote!

Email JPR Comittee Members- urge them to CONFORM SB758 to the House Bill and bring the bills to the Senate Floor for a vote!

Time for the Senate to Stand with Survivors

Sex without consent is rape. We need you to email JPR members and help pass SB758 to change Maryland's rape law by defining consent in the statute and repealing language that focuses on whether a victim resisted. 

Contact members of Senate Judicial Proceedings to conform SB758 to HB496 and bring to the Senate Floor for a vote.

SB758 is in the Judicial Proceedings Committee tonight, 4/1! Contact committee members to ask them to conform SB758 to the House Bill and bring these bills to the Senate Floor for a vote!

Email JPR Comittee Members- urge them to CONFORM SB758 to the House Bill and bring the bills to the Senate Floor for a vote!

Consent is a Clear and Voluntary Agreement


Right now, when one person has sex with someone without consent, Maryland's rape law requires proof of lack of consent and Force or Threat of Force. Force of Threat of Force is proven by focusing on the survivor/victim and whether they resist.


SB758 changes the focus to whether there is a clear and voluntary agreement between the people involved. 

SB758 is in the Judicial Proceedings Committee tonight, 4/1! Contact committee members to ask them to conform SB758 to the House Bill and bring these bills to the Senate Floor for a vote!

Email JPR Comittee Members- urge them to CONFORM SB758 to the House Bill and bring the bills to the Senate Floor for a vote!

Monday April 1st:

SB858 Revenge Porn- Civil Action and Reporting Requirement

SB858 aims to regulate the creation and sending of non-consensual sexual imagery created using artificial intelligence. This has become known as deepfake porn, which is defined as an image or recording that has been convincingly alter and manipulated to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said.  

SB858 will be heard in the Judiciary Committee Today 4/1at 1 pm. Contact Judiciary Committee members asking for a favorable vote!

Email House Judiciary Committee Members to support SB858

Tuesday April 2nd:

HB620 Education- Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Program- Human and Sex Trafficking

HB620 aims to develop and implement a program of age-appropriate education on the awareness and prevention of sexual abuse and assault that includes, for students in grades 6 through 8, material promoting the awareness and prevention of human and sex trafficking. These programs would be required in public and non-public schools.  

HB620 is in the Education, Energy, and Environment Committee Tuesday, 4/2! Contact committee members asking for a favorable vote!

Click below to email Education, Energy, and Environment Committee members and ask for a favorable vote.

Email Education, Energy and Environment Committee Members

Contact your Senator!

HB544 Criminal Law, Sexual Extortion, Stalking and Revenge Porn- Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review

HB544 expands the time to prosecute stalking, sextortion, and revenge porn by eliminating the statute of limitations, reflecting the evolving nature of technology-based crimes. WLC supports HB544; understanding victims' challenges, recognizing and addressing these crimes, and extending the prosecution window is crucial for delivering justice and protecting individuals from lasting harm. HB544 strengthens protections against digital abuse.

HB544 passed the Judicial Proceedings Committee with a favorable report. Contact your Senator and urge them to vote FAVORABLY for HB544!

Look up your Senator

We will provide updates on these bills and others we are working on as the session progresses. In the meantime, don’t forget to let your legislators know what issues matter most to you! 

Onward together,

Katie Curran O'Malley

Executive Director

P.S. As always, if you appreciate the work we do, whether in the General Assembly or through our direct legal services across the State, give here! And if this email was forwarded to you by a friend, make sure to sign up for our legislative alerts here. Want to stay in touch and receive general, non-legislative updates? Sign up here for our general interest updates.

P.P.S. Get your tickets for the WLC’s Annual Celebration and Awards Ceremony on May 7th at 6pm at Citron! 

Have an event you'd like to share with us? Send us an email!

About The Women's Law Center of Maryland
The vision of the Women’s Law Center of Maryland is a legal system that provides justice and fairness for women. The Women’s Law Center’s mission is to ensure the physical safety, economic security, and autonomy of women throughout the State. We work towards this goal by providing direct legal representation, information and referral services, and legislative advocacy.
Our efforts to promote justice, fairness, and equality for women are only possible because of friends like you.
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The Women's Law Center of Maryland, Inc. is a charitable organization designated as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). A copy of our financial statement is available upon request. Documents and information submitted under the State of Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are available from the Office of the Secretary of State of Maryland, Annapolis, MD 21401 for the cost of copying and postage. 
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