Local Business Tax Bill Up in House Committee Tomorrow

HB 609 (Botana), which would repeal the Local Business Tax (LBT), will be considered by the House Ways and Means Committee tomorrow, January 31, at 9:00 a.m. in 404 House Office Building.

The sponsor of the bill has filed a strike-all amendment. The amendment does the following:

  1. It freezes your revenue, inhibiting your ability to meet the needs of the business community.
  2. It caps your total revenue generated from LBT to the amount raised in FY23-24.
  3. Any revenues above the FY23-24 revenue number must be refunded to businesses that paid the tax.
  4. Any future rate adjustments that are made must not generate more revenue than the FY23-24 amount.
  5. You must report to the Auditor General annually that you are in compliance with these provisions.

Contact members of the House Ways and Means Committee (click here for contact information) and ask Representatives to oppose the bill and the Amendment to HB 609.

If you are in Tallahassee Wednesday morning, please attend the House Ways and Means Committee meeting at 9:00 a.m. in Room 404 House Office Building, and submit a card waiving in opposition to HB 609 and the amendment to HB 609.

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