Legislative Update - Senate District 15
October 2016
District 15 
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Senator Ed Harbison  
Georgia Senate
432 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
[email protected]
From the Desk of 
Senator  Ed Harbison

 As we head into the season of being "thankful," I have to say- I am thankful that this election cycle is nearly over. Prior to returning to the Gold Dome in January, Georgia voters have an important task ahead. I am referring to the number of amendments which will be decided on by our citizens on November 8th. 

I have taken the liberty of covering what those amendments are and what they mean for our state. I know how confusing legislative language can be, so I am hoping that this will assist in helping you muddle through the questions. 

As always, please reach out to me directly if you have any questions regarding issues. T hank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve our district and state. If you need anything, please contact me anytime. God bless you my friends!
Ballot Amendments
As you already know, early voting is officially underway and this election cycle will soon come to an end. During the 2016 session, the General Assembly passed a number of the proposals that voters are now considering this election cycle. There are four amendments dealing with many issues and our Georgia voters will have the final say on whether or not we will amend our state constitution. Amendment wording can be tricky; to cut down on the confusion and misinformation, I have taken the liberty of explaining each amendment below.  
We Need Your Help!
Broadband Access Survey
If you have not taken this survey, please do so! I have heard many complaints from our rural citizens about the need for better broadband access and higher internet speeds. Taking the time to fill this out will tremendously help our efforts!