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Legislative Wrap Up
MHA Volunteer Orientation
Crisis Text Line
Naloxone Donations
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MHA AZ 2018 Legislative Wrap Up
HCR2034 -
Reyna Estrada; Mental Health:
The bill asks that the state recognize that the publicly funded mental health system in the state exists to benefit both patient as well as the public by providing needed mental health treatment to those who cannot or will not voluntarily accept treatment. The bill asks that the Legislature recognize that the mental health system in Arizona should benefit the patients and protect the public by ensuring that the system is adequately funded to deal with the growing number of untreated mentally ill persons in the state and that the agencies accountable for the public funding provided to run the system use the monies appropriately.
Action - Held in Senate.
HB2107 -
Prescription Drug Costs; Patient Notification:
Pharmacy benefits managers are prohibited from charging or collecting from an "enrollee" (defined) a cost sharing requirement for a prescription or pharmacy service that exceeds the amount retained by the pharmacist or pharmacy from all payment sources for filling the prescription or providing the service. Pharmacy benefits managers cannot prohibit a pharmacist or pharmacy from informing an enrollee of the difference between the enrollee's cost sharing requirement and the amount the enrollee would pay without using prescription drug coverage, or from selling a prescription drug to an enrollee who chooses not to use prescription drug coverage. Pharmacy benefits managers are prohibited from restricting a pharmacy from dispensing a 90-day fill of a prescription medication pursuant to State Board of Pharmacy rules.
Action - Passed.
HB2127 -
Children's Health Insurance Program:
Would remove the KidsCare trigger, which would keep KidsCare in place once we lose federal match dollars.
Action - Held in Senate.
HB 2136 -
Appropriation; DES; Information; Referral Service:
Would have increased 211funding.
Action - Held in Committee.
HB2197 -
Health Professional; Workforce Data:
Requires health regulatory boards to collect data from applicants that is prescribed by DHS rule beginning January 2020. This data will be used to help identify health care staff needs statewide. Action - Passed.
HB2237 -
Psychologists; Licensure; Requirements:
An applicant for licensure as a psychologist automatically meets a list of specified licensure requirements if the applicant earned a doctoral degree from a program that was accredited by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System at the time of graduation.
Action - Held in Senate.
HB2303 - Sentencing; Drug Offenses; Repetitive Offenders:
Would modernize Arizona's drug sentencing laws for drug possession and allow opportunities for treatment.
Action - Held.
Volunteer Orientation on June 25th!
Do you know college students who are making a difference in their communities?
Invite them to apply for MHA's Collegiate Mental Health Innovation Council (CMHIC)!
Concerns about mental health on campus have grown and gained attention in recent years. Research and reports have shown an increasing demand for supports and services for students on campus, but many colleges and universities cannot keep up with the needs of their students.
For students, this can mean not knowing how to get help, asking for help and getting long wait times, or not getting needed support to navigate recovery.
MHA AZ is proud to be an affiliate partner of the
Crisis Text Line
Every texter is connected with a Crisis Counselor, a real-life human being trained to bring texters from a hot moment to a cool calm through active listening and collaborative problem solving. All of Crisis Text Line's Crisis Counselors are volunteers, donating their time to helping people in crisis.
Naloxone Donations Now Available: Complete the Questionnaire
Last month the National Council
the generous donations of naloxone medication from pharmaceutical companies, Adapt Pharma and Kaléo. Adapt Pharma will be donating 10,000 cartons totaling 20,000
*. Kaléo will separately be donating 5,000 cartons equaling 10,000
If your organization is interested in receiving a donation of naloxone, please complete the brief questionnaire in the link below. To receive a donation, an organization must meet the following requirements:
- Be a current National Council member
- Provide residential substance use treatment for people with an opioid use disorder**
- Participation in an informational webinar on the proper administration of the medication to take place in July
Your organization will need to select your preference of either the nasal spray or auto-injector formulation in the questionnaire. Please note that completing the questionnaire does not guarantee your organization will receive a donation, or that your organization will receive the amount requested. Organizations will initially be limited to a maximum of 50 cartons of either formulation, however additional donations will be provided pending availability. To be considered, please complete the questionnaire by
June 18th
, 2018.
Aurora Behavioral Health Screening of Suicide: The Ripple Effect
Wednesday, June 20th at 3pm
AMC Surprise Pointe 14
Tickets must be purchased in advance and are available here:
Project Connect:
More than 50 service providers in one location
Thursday, June 21st
Inter-Stake Center, 830 East 2nd Ave., Mesa, 85204
Mental Health Criminal Justice Summit
August 23-24, 2018
Embassy Suites, Tempe
Check out more Community Calendars in the Phoenix Area!
ASU Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy
Health Choice Integrated Care Community
Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care
The free support groups are sponsored by the
Mental Health Guild.
Michael Shafer, Ph.D. Chair
Joshua Mozell, J.D., Vice Chair
Jason Bernstein, C.P.A., Treasurer
Karen Pitico, M.P.H., Secretary
Kathy Bashor, M.C.
Sheri George
Charles Goldstein, M.D
Laurie Goldstein
Emily Jenkins, J.D.
Marcus Johnson, M.P.H.
Charles Montgomery
Clarke Romans, Ph.D.
Myra Richman
Matthew Moody