We are in week two of the 2021 legislative session. Below are some highlights and lowlights. While you're here, please sign up for the House Democratic Caucus weekly email updates.
Week 2 started with fireworks when I introduced a millionaire's tax in committee Monday morning (HB 529), in collaboration with the Louisiana Budget Project. The bill would have raised taxes slightly - but only on the very richest residents ($500k+). This would have provided $100 million to the state over 5 years; if it was up to me, this money would go directly to child care/early childhood education. The Ways & Means committee refused to allow it to be heard on the floor, despite their passing numerous bad bills that same day. Stay tuned for further updates on this issue.
IRISH CHANNEL RESIDENTS! We are introducing HCR 4 in the Natural Resources Committee (of which I am a member) Thursday morning at 9am. I have worked on this legislation with JOIN for Clean Air. This legislation would open up the notice and comment period for new LDEQ permits and permit modifications, and is a good example of needed transparency in government. Please consider testifying in support.
Tuesday April 27: HB 68, which would ban solitary confinement for the incarcerated with mental health issues, will be heard in the Criminal Justice Committee, chaired by Ted James. There is an active Louisiana Stop Solitary Coalition that has been working hard on this legislation. If you or a loved one has experienced mental health issues and would like to testify in support, please let me know.
Wednesday April 28: HB 353, which would expand background checks for gun purchases, will be heard in the Criminal Justice Committee. Currently, background checks are only required for purchasers of firearms who buy at a commercial store. This legislation would require background checks on all gun purchases, including person-to-person purchases. According to Everytown, 1 in 9 purchasers of firearms would fail a background check (meaning, the person cannot own a gun due to for example a domestic violence protective order). Please contact me or Red Devitt (redmomsdemandaction@gmail.com) with Nola Moms Demand Action if you'd like to testify in favor of this legislation, or against any bad gun bills that are pending.
Tuesday May 4: HB 67, which would decriminalize sex work, will be heard in Criminal Justice. Women With a Vision and other advocates and friends been working hard on the #deepsouthdecrim campaign. The media has reported numeroustimes on this bill as well. Please let me know if you'd like to know more or if you're interested in testifying. Pushback has been predictable, but we have great advocates working hard on what is, at heart, harm reduction.
Louisianahbrah is doing great work keeping you informed, motivated, and laughing.
You can always click here to read what I've been up to or quoted on in the news. For example, some lobbyists wanted to hold a BYOMB (bring your own makeup bag) breakfast. I.....declined. :)
Saturday April 24 is the congressional runoff. I voted for Sen. Karen Carter Peterson, and I hope you do too. The atrocious, sexist attacks on her have been so disheartening. It is difficult to be a woman in politics. She has shown leadership and drive for 20 years, and will be a great representative for Louisiana in DC.
You can watch my prior town halls and recent Q&A here. I was also on Lynda Woolard's Louisiana Lefty podcast recently - we had a fun conversation about progressive politics and modern campaigns.