Inspiring a Community of Pioneers to Higher Levels of Learning
February 21, 2017
Congratulations to the Boys Basketball team for making it to the  State Tournament
The first round game will be held at the
Huntsman Center  at 5:50 p.m. on Monday Feb 27th
against Layton High School.

Tickets can be purchased in advance in the financial office  or at the door.

$5 students, $8 adults

Monday Feb 20  
President's Day No School

Tuesday Feb 21 (B)
11th Grade CCR
ACT Prep Math - 2:30
ACT Prep Science - 2:30 
Boys Basketball Vs. Lone Peak - 7:00

Wednesday Feb 22 (A)
11th Grade CCR
ACT Prep Math - 2:30
ACT Prep Science - 2:30 

Thu rsday Feb 23 (B)
1 1th Grade CCR
State DECA - All Day
Jostens Grad packets Pick up - 12:00
ACT Prep Math - 2:30
ACT Prep Science - 2:30 

Friday Feb 24 (A)
11th Grade CCR
Jostens Grad packet Pick up - 12:00
ACT Prep Math - 2:30
ACT Prep Science - 2:30 
Baseball Auction - 7:00

Saturday Feb 25
Region Debate @ LHS

Brian Parker is our Band & Orchestra Director he has been teaching for 6 years, however this is his first year at Lehi.  Brian likes to spend his time making music on trumpet, piano or some other instrument. He also enjoys watching movies, listening to audio books (fiction and non-fiction), and cooking dinner when he has the time. In addition to music, Brian likes to be physically active. He does strength training several times each week and plays basketball when he can. He also likes to compose and arrange music for fun. Brian and his wife, Christina, have been married for 7 years. They have two children: David (age 4) and Abby (18 months). Brian grew up in Pennsylvania and Colorado but came to Utah to go to BYU. Brian met Christina at BYU in the Cougar Marching Band. Working at Lehi High School has been a blast. The students are fantastic and the faculty and admin have been very supportive.
Inside this Week at Lehi
Jostens order
pick up
J ostens will be at
Lehi High School February 23rd & 24th  during lunch handing out all the graduation orders.
Baseball Auction
Friday February 24th at 7:00 p.m.
Juniors will be taking the ACT on Tuesday, February 28.   All Sophomores and Seniors will be excused from school so only the Juniors will be in attendance. After the ACT test teachers will be available in their rooms to help any students that choose to come in for extra help from 1:00-2:45. 
Student Council Election Meeting
February 28th
5:00 PM
Media Center
Dancing with the Athletes  
March 6th
Come Join Us
Prom 2017
  Remember Prom is 
March 18th
Get your date!
Spring Sports Tryouts
Spring Sports Tryouts
All tryouts begin February 27th
Softball Tryouts
Monday February 27th
3:00 - 5:00 pm
LHS Softball Field
Bring: Glove, Bat, warm clothing

In case of inclement weather they will be meeting in the gym.
Cheer Tryouts
March 7, 8, 9, 10
3:30 - 5:30 pm
7:00 - 9:00 pm

Tryouts March 10th
3:30 - 9:00 pm
Dance Room

Pre tryout
Parent meeting
will held
March 1st at 6:30 pm in the Commons
Student Recognition
Lehi Student
of the Year
Congratulation to
Travis Eggett and
Madison Gray
for earning this honor!

Congratulations to Kadee Jo Jones
she made it to the Sterling Scholar State Final.

Gilbert Palmer
Brooklyn Young
Keithlin Cabrales
Jordan Peterson
Helpful Hints
All Senior's need to take the Civics test
in order to graduate.  

Current 10th grade (next year’s JUNIORS)

Registration materials will be passed out in English 10 classes March 8 & 9

Skyward will be turned on for online registration March 14 at 3:00 p.m.

  Current 9th grade 
(next year’s SOPHOMORES)

March 22 6:00 pm – Student and parent high school orientation – LHS auditorium

Registration materials will be passed out at this time.

Skyward will be turned on for online registration March 27 at 2:30 p.m. 

3rd Term Ends
March 16th
Boys and Girls State
Juniors, if you are interested in attending Utah Girls State or Utah Boys State in June 2017, stop by the Counseling Office and pick up some information.  This is a great place to learn how the government works, develop leadership and civic responsibility.  
LHS Tardy Policy
Tardy - The first 15 min. of class.
Very Tardy - After the first 15 minutes of class.
Absent - After 40 minutes of class.

4-7 Email home; 8-10 Call home;
11-15 Assigned to Lunch Detention
16+ Saturday Attendance School/InSchool Suspension/Out of School Suspension until parent conference

Tardies can be excused the day they occur by calling the Attendance office at 801-610-8808
Is Math giving you problems?

We have the solution...
     Math Tutoring Lab
Room 215
Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am - 7:30 am
T., W., Th.  2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Testing for East Shore and Electronic High School:
Students may test in Digital Curriculum (Rm 109) at the following times: 

T-TH during Flex
Wed - after school until 3pm 
*Any other time by appointment  
How to Sign up for Range:
  Click on the Drivers Ed icon or go to to sign up for range.

180 North 500 East, Lehi, Utah 84043
Main Office(801) 610-8805,  Counseling Office(801) 610-8806
Financial  Office(801) 610-8807,  Attendance Office(801) 610-8808,   Fax(801) 768-7007
