Monday, February 24th (B)
Spring Sports Tryouts (More Details Below)
ECE Class @ JFSB (BYU) & Wee Care Center (UVU) 9:00 am
Synergy/Drama 3 Concert 7:00 pm
Tuesday, February 25th (A)
Spring Sports Tryouts (More Details Below)
Track Parent/Athlete Meeting (Cafeteria) 5:30 pm
Girl's Basketball Quarter Finals @ U of U 5:50 pm
Wednesday, February 26th (B)
Band & Orchestra @ Timpview High School 2:30 pm
Boy's Soccer Parent Meeting (Commons) 5:00 pm
Bantam Basketball 7:00 pm
Thursday, February 27th (A)
Election Candidate Booths (Commons) 12:00 pm
Girl's Basketball Semi-Finals vs. Springville @ U of U 3:00 pm
Friday, February 28th (B)
Drill in Orlando
Friends & Family Band Concert (Old Gym) 6:00 pm
Saturday, February 29th
Drill in Orlando
Winterguard @ Copper Hills 8:00 am
Girl's Basketball Finals @ U of U 11:00 am
Baseball Auction Fundraiser (Old Gym) 5:00 pm
Utah Ballroom Association State Competition @ Westlake High School 4:30 pm
students need to have the balance for the Catalina trip paid by March 6th