Location, location, location matters!
An important part of a successful business is location. The location of your lemonade stand might mean the difference between falling short, or exceeding your goals.
Follow these simple steps to identify your location and Brand Your Stand:
Step 1: Brainstorm - Think about the following characteristics of a good location. Take a field trip around your community (or close your eyes and imagine your community) to scout possible locations and discuss the pros and cons of each one with your mentor. Make sure it's a safe place, imagine a location with lots of thirsty people.
Step 2: Ask Permission - Once you have identified where you want to set up your stand, you must ask for permission. We encourage the student to be the one who asks. Each backpack has a pre-written letter included which the young entrepreneur can hand a business owner requesting permission. This is a very important part of the process. Keep in mind the County of Luna has pre-approved the Luna County Courthouse Park for lemonade stands on May 13, 2023, permission has already been granted.
Step 3: Brand your stand on the map
Keep in mind contest judging will take place within City Limits only.